So I’m an EMT-B and my partner is a Paramedic. Recently we responded to a call for the “Diabetic”. Fire arrived on scene before us and had already done a brief assessment, telling us that the patient was an unresponsive female in her 50’s, was breathing normally on her own, had a strong regular pulse, and had a BGL of 91. My partner did his thing while I set up the stretcher. We moved her into the ambulance and I hooked her up to the monitor while my partner started a line. We could not figure out why she was unresponsive. All her vitals looked fine, EKG was normal, no suspected drug or alcohol use. Family members on scene stated she had type one diabetes and her last known well Time was three hours prior. We did another Blood sugar before leaving the scene and got 106. We transported her to a nearby hospital about 7 minutes away, where the doctor decided they would give D50. A nurse took a blood sugar right before they administered the D50 and got 29! They gave the D50 and the woman woke up and was good as knew. They told us we need to recalibrate our glucometers, and we felt pretty embarrassed. Normally that would make sense but the fire department also got a similar BGL so either both the glucometers were messed up or something else happened. Anyone ever have something similar happen or have any explanations? I’d love to learn from this.