Unknown Etiology


Forum Deputy Chief
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You are dispatched to an elderly woman with C/C of weakness.

You arrive on scene to find a 90 year old woman seated in a chair. She is A/Ox4 appears tired but in no major distress. A friend tells you she had just finished a work out class when the pt told her she felt weak and sat down. The pt stated she was feeling a little better once she sat down. Medical history is unknown.

Vitals all come back WNL, BP 130/80 HR 80 SPO2 97%.

PT becomes unresponsive. She is awake but unresponsive. Pt is lowered to the floor. One EMT calls for ALS the other reassess vitals. Unchanged. Episods lasts 30-45 secknds. After some painful stimuli the pt slowly becomes more responsive to being able to respond to her name and accurately describe where she is. PT returns to A/Ox4. ALS arrives. BGL and EKG are clear.

PT AMAs. BLS crew checked on the PT several hours later and she was doing fine.

Any ideas what happened?
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Absence seizure. Run of vtach if she wasn't still on the monitor.
Agreed. And one more reason to use noxious stimuli (ammonia inhaler) which does't leave bruises etc. (pinching, knuckle rubs).
That's what we were thinking but I wanted other eyes on it.
theres a garden variety.

Absence seizure.

cardiac related issues? especially after a workout?

Story time with Uncle Fury kiddies sit down and get comfy :rofl:
I had a patient last year around this time to be exact, we were dispatched for a elderly male unconscious on a park bench. Arrived to find him conscious alert and oriented just said he has been having "spells" where he will get dizzy and wake up on the ground a few minutes later. No Hx only OTC meds initially wanted to AMA but I succumbed him into a transport. vitals were perfectly normal minus a little bit of hypertension got him in the ambulance hooked up the ECG, Nice Sinus rhythm then all of a sudden he says "I feel it coming on again" goes unresponsive and asystole on the monitor. last about 10 seconds and returns to a sinus rhythm and comes to. vital signs return to normal, even after being pretty much in arrest for 10 seconds. Needless to say he went to a cardiac center.