Yes, I daresay that your support of unions is most well known. I have a relative who has a job where he is required to be union, and the union comes through for him, too. He makes far more money with the union than he otherwise would, and the union rabidly supports him and his brothers.
He also can't stand it, because it hosts inefficiency and sloth. It has a disproportionate and unfortunate ability to get its way. Some people, concerned only with living like kings, are fine with the union, while others, like him, are actively looking for jobs without it. Sure, he receives over $182,000 per year thanks to this union, but he has principles, and those are fortunately worth much to him.
I've noticed that you repeatedly justify your actions and what you support based upon its benefit to you. If you subscribe to Ayn Rand's ideals, your thoughts are correct. Your own satisfaction is your highest and only rational concern. Some people, however, recognize and do not enjoy the unions' disproportionate amounts of power. If everyone in the world was a in a union, would the world be a better place? Would unions work as they do now? No! And this can be used as a test for the ethics of the concept, as well.
It's interesting that you are so well prepared with points about law enforcement being involved with EMS or fire. I know of an entire area which is being organized regionally as a joint effort under the local offices of the sheriffs. Instead of having many small, inefficient volunteer ambulance services, there will be a regional ALS service supported by an excellent QRS system.
Unions destroy and prevent enhancement of systems in order to protect their own laziness and inefficiency. They are anathema to advancements in an open world. If all of America were unionized, we would lose our ability to stay progressive, and our system would implode. The fact that not everyone can be unionized without destroying our system proves...
I'd finish, but anyone with an interest in unemotional, logical thought knows what it proves. You have repeatedly an adamantly argued for your systems based upon the great benefit brought to you by it. While this support is rational and understandable, I cannot agree with it. I realize it is rather improbable that my own views will change your mind, and that really isn't my point. With such a multi-faceted concept, everything from ethics, political systems, and the current economic voodoo by which America is being run could be brought into the argument. Your proclamation that your argument is effective (Although I believe you misread, and thought I was talking about the union's.) is incorrect. Your argument is simply easy to accept for those solely concerned with immediate gain or self-preservation.
And now we understand why initially rested my case with, "unions suck," and why I will retire forwith to that argument. If you would enjoy hearing my personal and philosophical views, please, by all means send me a private message. I dislike pompously pontificating all over the forums, and my last foray as such ended with being told that, "[O]bviously I was very concerned, but it was a waste of time, because no one cares."