Type symbol for with


Forum Deputy Chief
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I would very much like to learn how to type the medical symbol for "with", the c with a line over it. I haven't had much luck figuring out from Google. If anyone knows, I'd greatly appreciate your help.

Thanks! :)
You might as well just do this:

I looked at an ALT code list and didn't see it there. You could always find it somewhere and jsut copy and paste
Just looks like an ordinary c to me.

But on the wikipedia page, I do see the line over it. I'll keep that in mind for copying/pasting. Must be part of a special font, maybe.
Lol. Love the cool points thing.

I have looked myself for how to type the c with the line thingy. That being said, I can't find it and in my PCRs I just type w/

To be honest, I never even write that symbol, I've always just written "w/".

I just really was looking for those "cool points", lol. :)
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