An ambulance company or FD has every right to project whichever image they feel comfortable with. If they require tattoos to be covered and you don't like it.... don't work there, that simple. If you were adult enough to make the decision to ink your body you should be adult enough to deal with the consequences.
I don't recall anybody being against covering up their tattoos if department policy requires. I have no problem with that at all and haven't heard ne body else say they do either. To use myself as an example, I am a very respectful person and am very big on policy and procedure and promoting a positive and professional image. This promotion of professional image can be done without infringing on a providers choice to have tattoos and without adopting a micro style of management. Its really just a matter of opinion that tattoos are rebellious, or unprofessional.
When a team of officers or management is open and diverse, and understands their employee workforce, they tend to get better employee attitude, morale, and productivity in return. I don't believe in a style of management that is dictative and exerts the force of, "I'm your boss, so your gonna do this, this, and this, not do that, and no questions asked".... if you don't like it then get your things and leave"... that is really piss poor. I have served as Deputy Chief of EMS Operations and like to think I was always fair and no where near that style of manager. If one of my guys had tattoos... so what as long as they were professional and the ink wasnt distasteful.
The significance of this is you ask? It's really to drive the point that your not hurting anyone but your own organization by turning away very respectful, professional, compassionate, and awesome care providers based solely on a few tattoos that can most often times be covered up. I'm sure a rebuttal will be there are tons of other applicants to pick from which may be the case... but the one you turn away may just be the one who shines above all the other applicants and makes your organization get recognized for their great care and experience...
Bottom line is.... no one should judge a person and form a lesser opinion of them (as insinuated numerous times) because of some tattoos. To me that thinking represents something about a person's character and also represents a very shallow demeanor. So don't view yourself as something better than someone who chooses to have tattoos to express something important in their life or just for artistic expression.
Maybe I just happen to live in a diverse area where the communities are open minded and don't care that their healthcare providers have tattoos because I have been met with nothing but the opposite of what the majority are suggesting. Citizens being opposed? Not at all.
Personally I see visible ink as immature and attention seeking.
You need to obviously live a little more and expand your societal interaction outside of the little circle of people your obviously involved in. Your only 21 so you got time.
Personally, I would hire a competent, experienced, and professional Paramedic with tattoos any day over someone who always has a crappy attitude and goes through Paramedic school and still doesn't even know the mechanism of action of ipatropium and the fact that it can cause bronchodilation on its own!
This debate has long been drawn out and I'm not really open to rebuttal so don't expect a reply. Neither side is gonna be persuaded by anything stated on this forum.