
It also has confirmed or reinforced the fears many in San Francisco had about getting a helipad at their hospitals especially their trauma center SFGH or at UCSF.

Why? Because all flight medics are like Rabbit?

Give me a break...I seriously like the show. Who cares that it's not accurate/realistic? It's a freaking show for pete's sake!

If there was a show to complain about, I'd have to complain about House MD....all those wacky, fake, made-up diseases/ill-nesses. That's ridiculous. ;)
I honestly hope they decide not to cancel the show.

Just my $.2 worth

Why? Because all flight medics are like Rabbit?

No, because of the numerous scenes with helicopter crashes including Rabbit's crash. I guess you have never presented your position for an approved LZ.

Of course if this really was about the Bay area, Rabbit would be an RN and the script would probably not be as ridiculous.
Can someone make a sticky that flashes and says: YES WE KNOW ABOUT THE SHOW CALLED "TRAUMA" .....ITS CANCELED ALREADY:wacko:
Still have 7 more episodes to suffer through the comments on the EMS forums. From the viewer numbers, probably the only ones watching are those who want something to chat about on the EMS forums.
Relax for a minute. This show is purely for entertainment. Think of it an an escape from the reality of what we do. Sit back, get some snacks, and enjoy. There is too much stress in our lives to be upset about wether or not a TV show is accurate or not. Do you think Jedis are sitting around upset that Star Wars isn't accurate enough? JK. I love this show and hope it stays on the air for a while. Take it easy..

My fav character on the show is actually Rabbit.

But really, if they are gonna try again at an EMS show, make it more realistic.
Almost gives you guys a bad name the way treat some of their patients on that show.

The sad thing is, the mass population would not know the difference. <_<

Why? Because all flight medics are like Rabbit?

Give me a break...I seriously like the show. Who cares that it's not accurate/realistic? It's a freaking show for pete's sake!

If there was a show to complain about, I'd have to complain about House MD....all those wacky, fake, made-up diseases/ill-nesses. That's ridiculous. ;)
I honestly hope they decide not to cancel the show.

Just my $.2 worth


Yeah guys its a "SHOW, FAKE, FYE" you need to go and sit with your fam and enjoy the show the scenery etc....
Anthony the EMT I have a question you post complaints when a movie comes out too??? that everything there is FAKE you need to go to the doc and tell him that you need a DOWNER for goodness sake!!!