MrConspiracy said:
"I'm in somewhat of the same situation. My college service is all EtOH and BS calls, and 911 response in my home and college areas is all ALS.
Really? My college service has much of what you say, but there's still a fair amount of low level trauma going on, even some medium-to-serious occasionally.
I don't know what was in the water this past year, but there have been an insane amount of seizures, and a remarkably low amount of EtOH. Maybe they're not getting caught, maybe those drinking awareness programs are wearing off.... or maybe they're just not getting caught... yeeaaah, that sounds right.
I've been working for a commercial agency for about four months now, a local company that has traditionally been heavy with interfaculity transfers and so forth. Remarkably, it took nearly 100 hours on the clock before I even handled a transfer or return. But, then again, I didn't get a single BLS call for those 100 hours- I'm an ALS magnet, the medics hate me for making them work so much. On the bright side, I can assist-a-tech like no other out of sheer volumetric practice.
That being said, BLS trauma is BLS trauma... I wouldn't get too excited over it. Just get the algorithm for your evaluation down and be prepared to rattle it off when it's really needed.
That being said as well, remember that just because you're the basic, probably on a BLS/ALS bus, nothing precludes you from handling the trauma. Nothing will make a medic happier to work with you than seeing you getting your BLS exam out of the way and giving that vital information to them in a timely manner. It's amazing how quickly you can get medic on your side when you can tell them the current vitals, major physical findings, and manage an airway in that first three minutes. Let the tech deal with the IV's, happy drugs, and the things to make the patient better; you just have to keep the patient alive long enough for them to get to work. BLS saves lives, whether from a medic or an EMT- the rest (ALS) is just gravy. That, from a slightly biased source