Candy Striper
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There often comes a time when, during a call, your patient ask you a question out of fear or concern…so how do you answer them? For instance I had a call where a little boy lost half of his arm in a boating accident, on the way to the hospital with his arm packaged up next to me he looked up and asked me “is my arm going to be ok?” I told him “Yes” now I didn’t lie, he just didn’t ask the right question. Mind you that the transport was 30 minutes from the hospital. He next asked “are they gonna put my arm back together?” given the cut at the elbow and our time I told him “yes” still not the right question of “will I be able to use it again 100%. Now we all have instances of “is it going to hurt” which we are told and do answer truthfully but what about the other situations like listed above? What about if the patient was going to die? What would you tell them? The truth? Or something else?