Tiger kills 1, injures 2 at San Francisco Zoo


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Tiger kills 1, injures 2 at San Francisco Zoo

SAN FRANCISCO — One visitor to the San Francisco Zoo was killed and two others were critically injured late in the afternoon on Christmas Day after a tiger escaped from its cage and mauled the visitors at a zoo restaurant, officials reported.

Police shot and killed the tiger as it was mauling one victim, who survived. Identities of the victims were not available Tuesday evening.

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How would you be dispatched/respond to this type of call? Do you think dispatch would ask you to stage nearby until everything was under control? What is to say that other animals weren't also on the loose?
I was very interested to hear on Comcast.net that they found a shoe and a bloody footprint within the perimeter of the exhibit.

I'm sorry to hear of the loss of life and send my prayers out to the families involved...but if he provoked the animal in a manner that brought on the attack, then he needs to wind up in the Darwin Awards history books.

lions and TIGERS and bears , oh my !

Thank god that never happened at the San Diego zoo when I was working . I might've needed a uniform change afterward . This would be a challenging scenerio though . Even on a slow day , the SD zoo was busy , and there would be potential for an MCI with 1 animal , let alone if several got out . Even more challenging would be how to handle it if they left the zoo perimeter . Where would you stage , set up treatment areas , etc. , if you don't know where the danger zone extends ?