Tick getter?


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Just saw this. Do they work? Looks like you could pull finishing nails out of baseboards too.
Ha! I made my own last summer out of a thin strip of aluminum. Use it to pull ticks out of my dog.
So a super-micro claw hammer would work too?

I hate ticks, I hate chiggers worse.
since we are talking about tools how about a crowbar or channel-locks? ;)
We had something like that when I spent a summer doing forestry work in Oklahoma. We would sit around drink beer and detick each other like a bunch of drunken chimps grooming each other. I'm sure it was quite a sight. It worked pretty well but I don't think it worked any better than fingers. The advantage of course is you don't have to touch the nasty little things.
My smuggle-in jail tool kit...

...has three inch Chinese knockoff Vise-grip locking pliers that work. Leave a very nasty hickey, I bet.
Theoretically you don't want to squeeze em or get their feces on you.

I used to slather Campho-Phenique around my cuffs , ankles and wrists and neck. Kept the chiggers out, and never had a tick.


"Hey, is that a Deer or Dog tick?"

"Pass the cocktail sauce please".

"Hey, is that poison oak!!?"