Thoughts on taking BGL as part of your assessment.

I do it anytime it is obviously indicated, anytime I start a line, and on all medical calls. BGL can be indicative for more then just mental status; people having MI's may not show on the ekg but a high BGL can be indicative. As the muscle tissue dies it releases glycogen stores which increases BGL, so non-diabetics with abnormally high BGL should get a second look. Treat the pt not the more thing to throw into the bag of tricks. Like everyone else is saying, it is non-invasive and can help you out. I would also point out that checking off your IV stick should be done carefully, some BGL monitors ar specifically for capillary blood. My rule of thumb is if it reads high/low check it off a finger also...BGL of 120 off a IV stick is good enough for me though.
I don't know where he is, but in NC that is pretty standard (excepting IM epi is thru autoinjectors only). They used to refer to it as "expanded scope" but now we just call it "basic life support".

Pretty much the same here in Wisconsin, except our system prefers DuoNebs, and BLS has CPAP. Rumor has it EMTs are getting Narcan next protocol update.