This place is awesome


White Cloud
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I was talking with a Paramedic friend of mine last night, regarding a question I had. We got off on a tangent talking about protocols and how certain things should be/would be handled, judgement calls, etc. We were talking about my last ride along, and something specific that happened, and he said "How many ride alongs have you been on?" I told him 2 (the .5 I have in my siggie is from the night with my daughter). He was amazed. He said I seemed to know a lot. My EMT course doesn't start until tomorrow. I told him I have been reviewing NYS EMS protocols and course information already but also mentioned how much information I have gleaned from this forum's like the best of both worlds! I get the "book smart" but also, thanks to EMT Life, get to post about and read about real world experiences and questions that may arise from them, and get different perspectives from different people in many different parts of their EMS journey, which equals to a whole lotta information for me to digest, process, and file away.

So, thank you!
Just remember to take this forum with a grain of salt. There's a lot of opinionated medics here and some of us tend to do things that aren't taught in class.

This is a great learning tool...
Just don't take it all as wisdom passed down from on high.
I understand that completely. It's ingrained in my nature...listen to many, sort it out for myself, and do what I feel is the right thing to do in the end.
Just remember to take this forum with a grain of salt. There's a lot of opinionated medics here and some of us tend to do things that aren't taught in class.

This is a great learning tool...
Just don't take it all as wisdom passed down from on high.

"What question number did your test end with?".
Haha mycrofft! That's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

