There was a tail chewing

Are they affecting your learning? Are they being a hinderance on you? You do whatever YOU have to to pass the class and dont worry about the other students in the class as well. Maybe they are going through something rough at home, maybe they are second guessing their choice in classes. You dont know their background story completely.
EMT school is not easy. A lot of people fail it believe it or not, and not all of them are idiots. I've seen RNs fail EMT school. It doesn't help that EMT instructors are often not particularly good at teaching, and many people start the course thinking it'll all be one big fun time and there wont be any work or studying involved.

The end kind of creeps up on people, and the practical application testing is something many people have never experienced before. Some people can ace a written test and totally suck at the practical stuff, or get stage fright easily whenever they get put on the spot.
The bell curve test does not apply to instruction. If your pass rate is a bell curve, you are not adding value to the process, i.e., you're competent, but just. If it skews to the "pass" side, then you are making an impact. If it slides totally to "PASS" then either it's rigged, or you are cheating.

Me, I watch the practicums. You can BS me on the written, but I want to see some good floor action and improvement when I give corrections.