The "Whacker" in You


Flight RN/Paramedic
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I could have sworn I saw a thread like this at some point, but after a quick search, nothing came up. If anybody finds a similar thread, post the link and lock this one.

Alright, so there has been a LOT of talk about "whackers" on this website recently, mostly about the definitions and what makes you a whacker.

But everybody has (I would say) at least 1 thing that could be considered "whackery." Some people (clearly) have more.

So what are the things that you do that could be considered to be under the field of "whackerdom?"

One rule: if you post, you have to be up for some good teasing about your faults. If anybody has anything to say about somebody being too much over the top, whackery, etc., feel free to say it, but either PM the person or say it in a nice way. Let's keep this thread fun and, more importantly, open.
Here are mine:
-I have my own stethescope (it was a graduation gift, as I plan on working in the medical field [probably EMS] for my whole career)
-I do talk about medicine outside of the job (some of which is joking around, like saying "I'm not fixing you"), but I do NOT wear anything job related when not on-duty
-When I am working, I carry a flashlight and gloves on my belt in 2 holsters, along with my radio (the radio is required)
-I will be buying my own jacket for my uniform (my "agency" [read: "college club that provides EMS for the campus"] gives you a jacket, but you have to hand it back when you are done with them. I would like to own the jacket. The only thing it will have is my first initial and last name, an American flag patch [on the shoulder], and my EMT patch on the other shoulder [when/if I pass the test at the beginning of next year]. I will NEVER be wearing it when I am not working.)

You know, when I write all that, it looks pretty bad. <_<

But at least I'm not doing this job just to save the world. :PB)

And to cancel it all out, I'm getting an education relevant to EMS! ^_^
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I'm going to put a star of life sticker on my car and have my own super high duken first aid kit. *shrugs* That's about it though. My husband has army stickers on the car, why can't I have one up for myself? And I've always had first aid kits in the car and house.
-I don't hide the fact that I really enjoy EMS. Though I don't bring it up in conversation unless we're already talking about it.
-I will have my own steth very shortly. I really don't want something that's been in someone else's ears, even if I always clean it first.
-I joined a VFD.
-I stopped to help at an accident once.
-If you ask nicely, I will take a look at that weird bug bite...
-I have a water bottle with a star of life.
-I'll be wearing one work jacket to another workplace shortly. ;)
None of that even sounds remotely close to being a bad thing.

Being an obnoxious unhelpful know-it-all who wants to be a hero 24/7 (which is what people mean by the word whacker) has NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING to do with owning personal equipment.

If you're worried about wearing a given T-shirt more than twice a week or something else equally arbitrarily specific, then you're too self conscious. :) Lighten up.
Wearing and displaying EMS gear shows you're proud of what you do. Nothing wrong with that. Look at the military, it 100% endorses that type of attitude. And nobody goes around calling them whackers.

And that doesn't mean you have to pretend you're a superhero.

But one should still not downplay the fact that it is a noble occupation.
I have a star of life sticker on my car (2x2 inches) and I have my own stethascope. I guess some people would consider that whackerish. That's all I really do, I do have my own kit but thats because I find the kits they give us at work to be crap (most the gear doesn't work and I end up having to use things on the truck anyways).
I'm a horrible whacker LOL. Because our stations are spread out, we normally don't have an issue covering our area. But, of course, I just happen to live in the outermost circle of town so it takes the longest for anyone to get to us. Therefore, many times I'm requested to respond and allow the medics unit to just meet me on-scene. So...
~I have responded to calls when off duty
~I do have a star of life sticker on my car
~I do have jackets that ID me as EMS and I do wear them outside of the station when off duty
~I have a jump bag
~I always have my radio on and near me
Wow they need to replace whacker with " get a life", I go to work do my job, and take vacations when I can, the only time anyone finds out that I have anything to do with ems is the CHP officer who pulls me over for speeding, and then I usually can get out of that with my employee ID.
Genuine curiosity here but this has been driving me crazy.

Is whacker just for "emts" or does it apply to "ffs" as well?
Oh,I also have my belt pouch with star of life, my drop holster for two trauma shears, magill
forceps, alligator clamps, bandage shears, 2 pen lights (one LED one reg), I wear my "Shock em till you got a
workable rhythm" EMS hat, my L&S on my personal car, but I ONLY use them on scene when I hear a run goout
on the radio and I'm like less than 2 miles from the run.
Oh,I also have my belt pouch with star of life, my drop holster for two trauma shears, magill
forceps, alligator clamps, bandage shears, 2 pen lights (one LED one reg), I wear my "Shock em till you got a
workable rhythm" EMS hat, my L&S on my personal car, but I ONLY use them on scene when I hear a run goout
on the radio and I'm like less than 2 miles from the run.

Dom... you frigin' troll... ROFLMAO :P

No 6 cell mag light and only one radio? ;)

-Jump Bag
-Personal volunteer EMS uniform (very generic)
-hide away strobes that need to be installed on my new car's brakes and front lights
- o2 tank (used sparcely)
-scanner for frewway calls that I'm closer to.
and a small LED light for PERL

so.... middle of the road...not heavy whacker, but not unprepared
I'm on a volly and I live a good 8 minutes from the station so I usually go POV.

I carry gloves, shears, a stethescope (seriously just admit that other people's ears are just plain disgusting), and a CPR mask in my car. I'm too cheap to buy a pen light so I tend to use the small flashlight that I've carried on my keychain for years.

The only way you can tell I'm EMS/Fire by looking at me is the pager on my belt.
pink star of life sticker on my car and "my other car is an ambulance" license plate frame :P
I carry a big stick to whack fools with in my front passenger seat.
ok especially since this is my first post i feel like a real geek
i have the same trauma bag that are on the show "Trauma" and yes i had them before the show came out
i also have the same o2 bag that is on the show i keep thes bags fully loaded and ready to go at any time in the trunk of my car i also have a smaller jump kit ready to go that i keep near the back door of my house in of something comes up and my wife has the car
yup im a geek that love his first aid supplies and am extremly proud to say im an EMT-a of 3 months and a former life-guard of 18 years :)
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ok especially since this is my first post i feel like a real geek
i have the same trauma bag that are on the show "Trauma" and yes i had them before the show came out
i also have the same o2 bag that is on the show i keep thes bags fully loaded and ready to go at any time in the trunk of my car i also have a smaller jump kit ready to go that i keep near the back door of my house in of something comes up and my wife has the car
yup im a geek that love his first aid supplies and am extremly proud to say im an EMT-a of 3 months and a former life-guard of 18 years :)

Good for you. 120 hours of training is so much to be proud of....