THE TEST!!!! lol


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I was just wondering. This is my 14th year in Ems and still have not reached my goal as a medic were i feel my heart and passion is. Been to school twice and they are trying to talk me into going a third time. Since this test is so smart does anybody think that i am crazy that it my name comes across and and its like nope this one is going to fail. And am i stupid for trying so much and considering a third time?
You're wondering if the test is deciding to fail you because it's "so smart"?

I think you'll be wasting your money if you try again right now. First, you'll need a different view of testing -- one where you see yourself, not tests, responsible for your results.
I think you’ve answered your own question. Not everyone can be a Paramedic. Seems it’s not in your lane.
I was just wondering. This is my 14th year in Ems and still have not reached my goal as a medic were i feel my heart and passion is. Been to school twice and they are trying to talk me into going a third time. Since this test is so smart does anybody think that i am crazy that it my name comes across and and its like nope this one is going to fail. And am i stupid for trying so much and considering a third time?
I assume you're being tongue in cheek about the test failing you.

If you've identified your weaknesses from your previous attempts and are ready to overcome them, then do it.
Perhaps you should go back to school for a general education, then approach Paramedicine from a holistic perspective, instead of a gigantic game of Trivial Pursuit.