The "moment" - Medic School


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So I have about a month and a half left of the didactic portion of Medic school. I feel like I've come a LONG way and feel pretty confident both out in the field and doing scenarios in class. But I also don't feel anywhere near ready to be a Medic out there doing it for real. I've read lots about people having the moment where it all just came together and started to click. I'm just curious as to when that moment came for you guys and gals who have gone through this already. Was it didactic? Clinicals? Internship? Beyond?? Just want some reassurance that I'm where I need to be at based on the stage of studies I'm at!!

Thanks in advance for the replies.
For me, it was my first semi-serious patient after being cleared to work on my own. We got to the ED, I had gotten everything done that I was "supposed to do," and the patient was improving. While I was working on the PCR, I realized that I really did know what to do and all I needed to do was trust myself. That's not to say that I javen't had patients that have thrown me for a loop, or that I haven't doubted myself, just that I realized I really did have the basic knowledge to do my job.
Thanks for the reply. Glad to know that it may be a while before I feel 'ready' to be working on my own. I guess a lot of that will come from my field internship which feels just around the corner, so I have that to look forward to at least.
It "clicked" in my internship. Now I'm getting ready for my FTO time at work and I don't feel ready. Realizing that I won't be able to bounce ideas off of my preceptor for the rest of my career definitely made me stop and think.

You'll be alright, you still have a decent amount of school left.