The Battalion


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Found this site a few months ago. Every Friday, they release a episode of ride-alongs with a fire department. They have already filmed 28 episodes with the San Francisco Fire Department a few months ago, and you can download and watch those now. They are all in HD.

Currently they are showing episodes from my area (Maryland). Right now you can watch episodes from the Washington D.C. Fire/EMS, and the Kentland Volunteer Fire Department in P.G. County in Maryland.

Each episode shows the life of working in those departments on both the fire/rescue and EMS sides. You'll get to see some calls from both the Fire/Rescue and EMS. I love watching them. Take a look!
an engine, a ladder and an ambulance for a medical.

geesh, they have more emoney than brains down in dc.
an engine, a ladder and an ambulance for a medical.

geesh, they have more emoney than brains down in dc.

That's almost as bad as So. California. It's routine to see an engine and 2 ambulances show up. Of course the paramedic fire fighters can't transport in their ambulance, after all, then they'd have to clean it themselves.
Well it depends...

in Los Angeles county you'll typically see 1 paramedic squad and 1 private ambulance plus whatever other rigs that the FD dispatches to the scene for assistance.

In Los Angeles proper, their rescue units transport so you typically won't see a private ambulance at the scene of a medical call. They'll also send as many other pieces of equipment as needed as determined by their dispatch system.

Neither L.A. nor L.A. county like to have their equipment and personnel scattered around, typically the whole station responds to each call.

In other incorporated cities in L.A. county you'll typically see a bigger immediate response as they don't respond to as many calls so there's a definite "us too" mentality amongst the fire stations. In the very few volunteer depts. you'll typically see everybody and their brother's cousin show up for anything cause that's just what volunteers do...why send a unit when you can send 3 or 4...? Doesn't cost anything and they might get their picture in the newspaper too...;^)

John E.
Maybe if they moved the fire trucks out of the way the ambulance could get to the patient.

I am surprised that SFFD would allow this at a time of much controversy and headlines in the news with their department's problems.
its a pointless waste of resources.

most medical patients arent on fire. most calls dont require forced entry(which we shouldnt need fd for anyway, but i digress). true, some of our calls require extra manpower for those delightful plus sized patients but to empty a station for a diff breather is so out of control as to be laughable.

put a halligan on the ambulance. send the ambulance and, if you absolutely must send two pieces, a squad occupied x 2 and call it a day. leave the engine(at a whopping 8 miles to the gallon) and the ladder(probably somewhere in th 6mpg range) in quarters.

oh and i dont buy this "they are getting paid, they might as well do something" argument ive heard a hundred times. they are being paid to fight fire and in the absence of fire, they are paid to maintain a high state of readiness for a fire. not go tooling around town busting down traffic lights so they can stand around outside the residence looking impressive until the ambulance transports.