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In the Netherlands we don't know the different levels of EMS education.
There is always an standard ambulancecrew in the whole country.
An ambulanceteam is always an ambulancedriver and an ambulance-nurse
(in Dutch called Ambulancechauffeur and Ambulanceverpleegkundige).
To become an ambulancedriver you must have a First-Aid diploma and a drivers-licence for trucks above 3500kg (called a C-drivers-licence).
Working in the healthcare is recommended.
The ambulancedriver, ofcourse, drives the ambulance.
He assists the ambulancenurse at the scene. Skills the drivers are trained for are for example:
- prepare medication and infusion
- prepare for oxygentherapy, assist by intubation
- Spinal care and stabilisation
- fracture immobilisation
- link the patiënt to the monitor
- in case of an large accident coördinate till an ambulance officer arrives.
To become an ambulancenurse you must have finished a nursingschool, wich is in the netherlands a 4-years studie. After the nursing school you must be working for at least one year in a hospital before the nurse can apply to get educated as an ER-nurse (1½ yr study), Intensive-care-nurse (1½ yr study), Coronarycare nurse (1½ yr study) or Anesthetisc-nurse (3 yr study).
These studies all contain an ALS-training.
When the nurse has been working for at least one year as a specialist-nurse, he/she can apply to the function of ambulancenurse.
The ambulancenurse works mostly together with a ambulancedriver.
Sometimes the ambulancenurse works alone (as rapid-responder on a bike or in a normal rescue car/van).
The ambulancedriver works with protocols and a standard set of medication and equipment. There is no contact with a doctor during the treatment by the ambulance-nurse. When a patiënt is in very bad condition, the ambulancenurse can ask for back-up by a MMT (Mobile medical team).
This MMT (an emergency doctor and emergency-nurse) assists the ambulancenurse. Sometimes the emergency-centre sends the MMT before the arrival of an ambulance, on ground of the emergency call.
Study and protocols for ambulance staff
In the Netherlands there is only one educations for ambulance-staff.
Its called SOSA (Foundation of education ambulancestaff). There is also one protocol, used in the whole country (LPA: Countywide protocols ambulancecare). The SOSA-education is a study wich takes a year.
When you want to work as ambulancenurse in the Netherlands it takes 6½ years of studie and 2 years of working-experience after the studies to become an ambulancenurse.