The 4 paths of EMS Personnel

I'm still at the student step in my career. I don't go every day to a station and step foot in a rig, I go every day to a classroom and open a textbook. That said, I'd like to think that I'm already on path 4.

Why? Because I've done my homework. I don't have any unrealistic or television fuelled ideas about what EMS does or is. Reading stories right here on EMTLife started that understanding, and talking to practitioners and doing ride-alongs cemented it. I've been on a call where they transported a 550lb man because his rash was getting too bad. I've been in the station at 3AM where everyone is doing absolutely nothing save fighting boredom. I know that I'll likely be dealing with more vomit & urine than blood and more EOTH patients than trauma patients. And that's fine.

I'd like to think that I have a step up and won't run into the same 2-5 year burnout/disillusionment issues that I see other people face. I'm not saying it won't happen, but going into this career with realistic understandings and expectations has got to be worth something.

Ask me in 5 years and I'll tell you if I was right or wrong.
I am a 4 with a bit of 2 thrown in. I am finishing my bs in public safety. I very much enjoy being a paramedic but I currently do not like where I work for a variety of reasons(management) Now that I am back in school I am happier and am also looking into other ems employment options. I also would love to get into ems research or education.
Ok maybe BS is a little harsh, but it is weak for what we need to do or what could be done. i like a two tiered system but the minimum standard should be AEMT at least. But thats another thread

I was blessed when i started volunteering in that i found a squad with EMTs who have almost universally used it as a step into a more advanced field. While the truck may be a BLS truck, my crew tonight is a Paramedic Clinical Coordinator, a Orthopeadic PA and a Trauma PA along with myself. We also have two RNs who ride with us, some county EMA coordinators and some county HAZ-MAT guys who run with us. They all started by volunteering, fell in love with the idea of EMS but realized they needed to go further and pursued an advanced degree.

"A" Study show that more "advanced" providers onscene does nothing to improve outcomes. An advanced provider with help from Basic providers is most beneficial. (American study showed this)
When said I am a 4, I did forget to mention that I am agressively seeking upward movement. I am comfortable in my job, and will stay. But latency is not my thing, always seeking self improvement in many forms. Clinically, promotions, etc.....