the 100% directionless thread

I thought you rode Slim just the other week on the trail?

I get ancy when I haven't shot anyone in a while... and I was going to play this Saturday but I got volunteered to cover for one of my employees at work... then I have to come home and sleep for my internship the next day.

Oh well.. maybe I'll get to play in March?
No I rode Emma, but it's been almost a month since then or at least it feels like it. It's been over a month since I rode Slim.
Ah well hasn't been too long then... and "too bad" you have plans for the weekend, otherwise you could have ridden your horses :P
Even if I didn't have plans it'd still be entirely way too wet so it works out perfectly that I have plans. But I'm not sure if I have plans or not. We're going to try.
Psh, too wet. You Texans and your wanting to be dry all the time.

I mean it's not like it's supposed to snow tonight or anything. Wait... it is.
Hey, I'm talking about a long time since I played paintball. Isn't that what angel was talking about? What else is there to be a dry spell on? :unsure:

It's seriously been more then 6 months since I've played paintball. And there is no hidden meaning to that phrase.

I have no clue what you're getting at Linds.

I'm right there with ya. My local fields have all closed :( Maybe I'll find a good field in CO... Already a good scenario team there.
Denver has quite a few good teams that I know of, so I'm sure Colorado has a few decent fields.

I'm supposed to be getting a crap load of taxes back on Friday... maybe time to buy new equipment?
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Denver has quite a few good teams that I know of, so I'm sure Colorado has a few decent fields.

I'm supposed to be getting a crap load of taxes back on Friday... maybe time to buy new equipment?

I've played at OK D-Day with the guys from Blacklight Company and found them to be a great bunch of guys. I'll probably try to start playing with them when I move.
And as for fields, I heard they've got some good airball as well as woods fields which I'm happy for :D I play stock class anyways so the type of field matters little to me
Oh crud! I just became the number one poster to the directionless thread. I guess I need to lay off some......
Yes in quitting? Lol

And it's now beer thirty!!! Woot!
I love how the news is calling it snowmageddon.

Been a long time since I've gone paintballing, but some friends and I will screw around with paintball archery every once in awhile. Anyone else do that?