the 100% directionless thread

I just woke up from my nap.... but is 2 hours really going to be enough for work tonight?:blink:
I just got too school, cars are but no people. Maybe I'm being punked
Trying to find the definition of SHART, where's Waldo maybe he has it, OOPS never mind I just found out for myself.
Trying to find the definition of SHART, where's Waldo maybe he has it, OOPS never mind I just found out for myself.
Watching Oprah. LOL.

So I am sitting here watching Oprah and the show is about people who observe others doing horrible things i.e a couple fighting and the man hitting the woman, a drunk woman trying to get into her car to drive her children home, etc. What shocks me is that people just walk the heck by?!?! I mean come on. But as I have heard and I now know is true... Stupidity keeps EMS workers gainfully employed. Yay for job secutiry boo for stupid people.

Also, I think that we will not get any snow this winter. It keeps getting close to freezing and then rains for days. This has happened since November.

This after all the 100% directionless thread so that said I am currently sitting here trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Any ideas?
After loosing 100lbs, I am so dang FREEZING!!! All the time. My poor partner is a sweaty guy naturally anyway, so I am in the truck with the heat on wearing gloves and covered with a blanket and poor thing just tries to tough it out....

Oh did I mention thats when it is only 45 degrees out there!

I hate being cold!!!
home furnishing or kitchen supplies?

Some kitchen supplies and a stuffed beaver. He looked to damn funny to not get.
It's 19 degrees here, but with the windchill, its near zero. Need I explain why I'm sitting bundled up in a comforter with Mickey Mouse slippers on?

Swedish coffee is really strong.

And Swedish root beer smells like nail polish remover.
When you go into an IKEA, you never know what you will come out with.
True statement. Out of curiosity, did the beaver require assembly with an Allen wrench? Everything I've ever purchased there needed one :-(

When you go into an IKEA, you never know what you will come out with.

SO true. I had no idea I needed a new coffee table and BAM I came out with one. WEIRD.
As of a couple hours ago, I am completely finished with my Christmas shopping. Now to wrap all of those dang presents. At least I will get paid to wrap most of them. I plan on taking them to the firehouse with me tomorrow. Please let it be a slow day...
No it didn't, but the hamper did. My brother steered me away from the furniture, i think they offer to build your furniture for you, i wonder if i could get that job. If only i had more room for shelves and tables.....

SES.. i would assume that you went to the one in Elizabeth, any other one doesn't have 3.5%sales tax, got to love urban enterprise zones.
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Its been sleeting and snowing here all day.
It's 19 degrees here, but with the windchill, its near zero. Need I explain why I'm sitting bundled up in a comforter with Mickey Mouse slippers on?


Zero was the high here today...
Right now, I'm drinking some Sprite and about to break out the new pencil crayons for my new colouring anatomy book.