Testing Feb


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Well I am taking the National Registry test on FEB 11th.. Thanks for all the help everyone has posted in here for tips. Any more? haha
Just remember that although your knowledge on basic medic techniques/terms will be tested, the most important part is being able to take the test. Read each question thoroughly because the test is geared more towards your ability to take the test than actual knowledge of the material. Know your ABC's inside and out cuz that's gonna be the most important factor in passing the test. Good luck!
Ya thanks..im pretty nervous but i got that JB learning thing and has been pretty good so far. And people on here recommend it.
- ABC's, ABC's, ABC's. Can't emphasize that enough.
- Read the question carefully, then reread it, and read ALL possible answers.
- Go with your first instinct. Don't change your answer unless you're absolutely positive.
- Relax, take your time. Don't rush through it, you have plenty of time.
- Get a good night's sleep the night before.
- Be confident in your knowledge.

I think I repeated a few things that have already been said, but thats my advice. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine.

Just curious, where in NorCal are you?
Im from Tracy..i went to my school in Stockton though..
A question might be repeated, dont freak out. I got 2 questions twice.

Sometimes every answer is correct, they just want the "best" possible answer.

Good Luck