Test Questions

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Hi, new member, and look forward to posting/reading - looks like a neat site. Anyway, here's some questions I have about the Final Exam I took last night:

1. Is there a difference in Oxygen output to a patient via a BVM or NRB mask (that is, while attached to oxygen)? The qeustion, I believe, referenced using a BVM connected to O2 and wanted to know the O2 output to the patient (near 100%, I put).

2. Scenario: patient just ate, and has wheezing and trouble breathing (6/minute) - it wanted to know what would we immediately do for the patient. Is it give O2 or Epinephrine? I was stuck on this one because we (basics) can't give Epi unless it's an Rx of the patient and we call in to MD. So, I put high flow O2 for first thing to do.

3. What would cause breath smells of acetone (no answer had any poisons)?

Thanks all!
1. Is there a difference in Oxygen output to a patient via a BVM or NRB mask (that is, while attached to oxygen)? The qeustion, I believe, referenced using a BVM connected to O2 and wanted to know the O2 output to the patient (near 100%, I put).
Sadly they're still teaching EMTs that an NRB delivers a lot of oxygen, when in reality it delivers much closer to 60%. BVM should technically deliver more with a good seal, but with the equipment we have you will never get to 100%.

2. Scenario: patient just ate, and has wheezing and trouble breathing (6/minute) - it wanted to know what would we immediately do for the patient. Is it give O2 or Epinephrine? I was stuck on this one because we (basics) can't give Epi unless it's an Rx of the patient and we call in to MD. So, I put high flow O2 for first thing to do.
Not really enough info provided as the patient could have an occluded airway with a foreign body needing to be removed, an allergic reaction, or could have an unassociated medical problem that just happened while eating like asthma, COPD, sudden pneumo or even an MI.

Based off just "o2 vs epi" I'm guessing they are probably pressing towards an allergic reaction from eating, but since you have to call in for Epi, throw some O2 on first.

3. What would cause breath smells of acetone (no answer had any poisons)?
For EMT class? Typically Diabetic Ketoacidosis... DKA.
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