I love it! Thanks!
The patient was in an old (early Sixties) heavy duty stationwagon rammed on the driver's side by a van going maybe 45. Knocked the wagon for a 360 and over a ten inch curb (old part of Lincoln Neb) onto a front lawn. Wife next to driver dead on scene, probable C1 fx they said later. Driver's foot was trapped by the firewall being bent up and to the left (port) under the steering column, trapping his foot against the left side of the car interior...all metal. He additionally had a parietal head lac, impact fracture and rupture-lac of left humerus/upper arm. The FD had opened the driver's door with the Jaws, and was firing up the K-12 saw and revving the Jaws and even thinking about using a winch and cribbing-standoff to somehow unbend this metal, when my driver/coworker crawled in, took a close look, whicked out the blade, cut the carpet, and lifted the foot out still in its shoe and attached to the owner.
He said if it looked too tight, he would have cut the shoe, too. He was definitely all about thinking outside the box.