Taking NREMT-B Exam (2nd time)


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Hi everyone, so I've been lurking on this website for a while now, finally decided to post something in efforts to gain some understanding/encouragement on my situation if possible. I took my NREMT-B exam last Friday (April 10th.) I failed at 72 questions, I got near passing on Airway and BELOW AVERAGE on every other category. My results blew my mind mind because I had a 94 average in my EMT course, the test basically told me I knew nothing whatsoever. Anyways, I take the test again in a week so I have a week to study for it. I bought two apps; EMT Review and EMT Study as well as EMTprep.com. I also bought two books; EMT Crash COurse and SUCCESS! For The EMT as well as my Brady text book. All the practice exams I've been doing on various websites and apps I always score withing the 60-67% percentile range. On some exams I will nail Airway and some exams I won't do that well, and it goes on like that for every other categories. I don't know what else to do. I feel absolutely stuck. I can't seem to get out of scoring in the 60s. I have so many resources but it's like the harder I try to immerse myself in the information that I learned in class, the more I fail or suck at the exam. FYI my EMT class just eneded last week so everything I learned in class is still fresh.

Any tips? Encouragement? Ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any help offered.
Try to relax... When taking the NR don't over think the questions... Mine stopped at 70 I hopefully get my results tomorrow... As far as what you learned in class and how good your grade was most of it isn't going to be on the exam... Most of it is logic
Try to relax... When taking the NR don't over think the questions... Mine stopped at 70 I hopefully get my results tomorrow... As far as what you learned in class and how good your grade was most of it isn't going to be on the exam... Most of it is logic

Thanks, I'm thinking it has more to do with my interpretation of the questions than knowing the information. I'm having severe test anxiety so I know I definitely need to relax.

Good luck on your results, hoping for the best for you! :)
Do as many questions as possible. Drink more caffeine and study in an isolated place with less distractions. Close out the library at least 3 days in a row and you got it.