Taking extra patients??

Come on, let's just install teleporters in all NH's and ED's!
Probably because people who were in seperate sides of a collision have a differing thoughts as to who's at fault and tend to hold a gruge over it.

Exactly, plus there is a chance we are transporting the patients before the police have had a chance to talk to them. Putting them together creates the potential for fighting between them, and "tainting" their stories.

I have once transported 2 people from different cars in an MVA. It was from a 6 car rear-end domino type accident. The two patients had been 3 or 4 cars apart or something. We did it that way because there were 4 people being transported, two from one car,one each from two others. It was the couple's domestic dispute that set off the accident, so we felt it would be best to keep those two apart, even it meant mixing patients from cars.
We can take 4 backboarded pt.s We have the gurney, bench, and we hang pts over each one on a soft stretcher. Its pretty crazy.
We will take as many patients as possible with certian things taken into consideration; that it in no way will compromise patient care, and no mutual combatants. I am lucky enough not to have to worry about how billing sorts it out and have not done an IFT since the Bush 41 administration.
Seriously? They still rig trucks like this?

That was a stunt I saw in photos of old Cadillac ambulances.

Problem with this is that EMS likes to portray itself as something MORE than a taxi service... but if you can't actually provide care to your patients during transport... are you any different than a taxi?
Why must you lie like that

Sadly true.

On the same token, the more I hear and see some other systems, I realize my system isn't as bad as I once thought it was.
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