Tacoma Community College EMT Exam into Paramedics


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I am an EMT that has earned my education from TCC. I trained with medics in Pierce County for private ambulance and then worked downtown Seattle with the same company (obviously working with MedicOne and fire). Now, I'd like to get into the Paramedic Program (where I can work in the South again). I know it's an EXCELLENT education which is competitive to get into so I'm looking for some advice and resources!

Does anyone know how they score the application process?
How many people apply?
How long or how many times have people applied to have been denied/accepted?
What are good resources to study for the EXAM?
What does the EXAM entail?
What can you tell me about the oral interviews?
How about any advice/details I don't know to ask, but are important?
.....I've a ton of quesitons once in the program, but that will be another THREAD... :rolleyes:

THANK YOU for any information you can offer!
I attended the TCC paramedic program. When I applied there were about 150 testing applicants that met the application requirements. The test is basic EMT knowledge. They take the top 50 test scores and invite those applicants to oral interviews. They chose 24 students and 4 alternates.
I will not give you any information on the oral interviews, as that would provide an unfair advantage. Mike Smith takes a dim view of any ethics violations. (A student was removed from my class for falsifying some patient contacts)
I know that several people have applied numerous times and been selected after the third or fourth application. (FWIW, I received the highest score on the entrance exam and was accepted the first time. Finished #2 in my class, missed the highest score by 2 tenths of a point.) It's a very competitive program and the competitive nature continues through the class with competition academically and between the morning and afternoon lab sessions.
Any national registry EMT test prep program will help prepare you for the test.

Good luck with the process.
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Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate the info you have related.

I can certainly appreciate the integrity of the program and its ethical standards MikeS and MelissaS put into it. It's part of what makes them recognized as one of the best in the state!