Apologies for the long post but want you to have all the info. This call was a while ago so the details are hazy. I don’t have a strip so you’ll have to take my word for it.
59 y/o male lying supine in bed CAOx4, feeling “weak and dizzy”, very pale, and very anxious repeating “something ain’t right”. Rapid RR. No CP or nausea u/o/a. PMHx of HTN and on statins. Father died of MI at 55.
Wife present, who called 911 40 minutes prior (they live way in the hills) after pt had sudden CP 9/10 “sharp” and then “slumped over the computer and was unconscious for 5 seconds” she states. Moved him to bed, which was close (appx 5 ft).
SpO2 was in low 90s
BP 160/90 (I think, I remember it being very high)
HR appx 100 -110 with ventricular trigeminy that was occasionally perfusing and occasionally multifocal, 12 lead showed no ST changes on sinus beats
Capnography (low, I don’t remember the exact #),
High flow O2 (NRB)
IV x 2 with blood draw
Amio drip 1 mg/min piggy backed into NS line and then we were off. Continued med adm enroute and watched him closely.
Pt skin color and sx improved enroute + ectopy dissipated to when we arrived at the hospital only occasional PVC present and his only sx was a HA stating he “felt better”.
I caught a lot of flack for it because certain senior medics feel that MONA was more appropriate and only give antiarrhythmics when I see runs of VT. I am not aware of hypoxia causing trigeminy, not to mention the NRB did nothing to help him. The literature that I have (textbooks) support use of antiarrhythmics in malignant PVCs. I understand the issues with brady rhythms and PVCs but don’t feel that was the case here. Appreciate any thoughts or advice.
59 y/o male lying supine in bed CAOx4, feeling “weak and dizzy”, very pale, and very anxious repeating “something ain’t right”. Rapid RR. No CP or nausea u/o/a. PMHx of HTN and on statins. Father died of MI at 55.
Wife present, who called 911 40 minutes prior (they live way in the hills) after pt had sudden CP 9/10 “sharp” and then “slumped over the computer and was unconscious for 5 seconds” she states. Moved him to bed, which was close (appx 5 ft).
SpO2 was in low 90s
BP 160/90 (I think, I remember it being very high)
HR appx 100 -110 with ventricular trigeminy that was occasionally perfusing and occasionally multifocal, 12 lead showed no ST changes on sinus beats
Capnography (low, I don’t remember the exact #),
High flow O2 (NRB)
IV x 2 with blood draw
Amio drip 1 mg/min piggy backed into NS line and then we were off. Continued med adm enroute and watched him closely.
Pt skin color and sx improved enroute + ectopy dissipated to when we arrived at the hospital only occasional PVC present and his only sx was a HA stating he “felt better”.
I caught a lot of flack for it because certain senior medics feel that MONA was more appropriate and only give antiarrhythmics when I see runs of VT. I am not aware of hypoxia causing trigeminy, not to mention the NRB did nothing to help him. The literature that I have (textbooks) support use of antiarrhythmics in malignant PVCs. I understand the issues with brady rhythms and PVCs but don’t feel that was the case here. Appreciate any thoughts or advice.