Swine flu

Maybe it's a weird haiku.
many more deaths are occuring in mexico, much more than 18 or 20. they have asked hospitals not to list cause of death on death certificates, so the statistics wont show.
WTH? why lie of it isnt serious?
quote from telegraph.co.uk from a mexican hospital employee
"The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work.
"It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks."

a case of the new H1N1 was also covered up in Florida.
im not trying to freak anybody out, i am just a bit freaked out myself. Last week my baby sister had Pneumonia, a fever, bad diarrhea, and some sort of "virus", the doctor said. Now they have her on an inhaler. she still has a slight cough. How will i know if she or i have this? Should i wait until my lips turn blue to go to the doctor? or will they just tell me im fine and send me home? i dont know what to believe.
if i sound paranoid, its because i am. Why isnt this stuff being taken more seriously? isnt it supposed to be deadly?
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i know i probably sound insane, but i think people are underreacting to this. i guess well all find out in the next week or so, but theres gotta be a good reason why everything is shutting down in Mexico.
This is totally nuts. There MAY be a case of Swine Flu in Orange County, Florida, but it isn't confirmed yet. Even so I've already had a parent bring their kid in both wearing masks.
okay, read this.

"There have been no confirmed cases of swine flu by the CDC in Central Florida."

Technically, that may be true. The CDC takes time to independently confirm swine flu infections in its own labs, as it does not recognize anyone else's lab results. During this time, even though doctors treating the patient may have independently confirmed a swine flu infection on their own, hospitals and health authorities can deny the existence of any "confirmed" cases of swine flu.

This appears to be the case in Florida, as an email from Dr. Loran D. Hauck, the chief medical officer of Florida Hospital, seemed to leave no doubt. That email, dated April 28, 2009, said, "A case was diagnosed here in Orlando today on a tourist from Mexico who came to Disney attractions two days ago to visit."

Remarkably, a Florida Hospital spokesperson said in a press conference they "have not talked to the chief medical officer about this ."

Wouldn't that be a good idea? Talking to the chief medical officer before talking to the public would seem to make good sense, especially since the entire reason the press conference was called was to respond to concerns about that doctor's email."

weird huh?

btw im also starting to feel aches in my knees... could be nothing, maybe its something. i guess i gotta play the waiting game now. Tamiflu here i come...
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It's worse than we thought! Run for the hills! Lock up your women! Chain Up the Chihuahuas! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! This just in from http://www.swineflutruth.net/, a wackjob wesite that "THE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAS MADE ATTEMPTS TO SHUT DOWN THIS WEBSITE." :rolleyes:

Worldwide death estimates now reported to be at 283,400,000! :rolleyes:

Sources inside the pentagon have confirmed that $200,000,000,000 in bailout money has been redirrected by the congress to buy out the major media conglomerates Central News Network (CNN) and teh Fox News Group and other smaller local and national outlets and National Guard has raided journlist offices and forced reporters to avoid the topic of the deadly swine flu in order to keep calm in areas that remain unaffected. :rolleyes:

New York City (the origin of the outbreak in America) has been quarantined off from the rest of the state of New York in response to over a thousand deaths in the Borough of Queens. In addition the Government has isolated the Island of Manhattan off from the less affluent areas of the city and has begun shipping food and supplies to sustain the white population in this capital of the world. :rolleyes:

There is an unconfirmed (NO SH*T) media report that FEMA has begun dropping Chemical Bombs into the area of Bronx in order to end the lives of the remaining citizens and potential carriers of the swine flu in order to minimize property damage due to riots and fires. :rolleyes:

SO, I GUESS I STAND CORRECTED WHEN I SAID THAT THIS WAS ALL MEDIA HYPE. LET'S RIOT!!! :wacko: Which one of you is resposible for letting this psych patient jump free from your Ambulance and run free?
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When attempting to do intelligent reading about any medical information, one must consider the credibility of the source. If the website looks like it was done in crayon by a 3 y/o, it probablyl was or at least for the intelligence level. It is no different than reading an article in JEMS that has been watered down. You much look up the actual reference material and see if anything was lost in the translation or if the methodology of the research had some questionable data. Also, do you believe everything you read on the anonymous EMS forums? Look at how hyped up with misinformation some of these threads get.
When attempting to do intelligent reading about any medical information, one must consider the credibility of the source. If the website looks like it was done in crayon by a 3 y/o, it probablyl was or at least for the intelligence level. It is no different than reading an article in JEMS that has been watered down. You much look up the actual reference material and see if anything was lost in the translation or if the methodology of the research had some questionable data. Also, do you believe everything you read on the anonymous EMS forums? Look at how hyped up with misinformation some of these threads get.

It's called a joke, Vent. obviously this nut is not to be taken seriously, as was indicated by my numerous attempts at sarcasm. Some of us in EMS use this device we call humor to deal with the stupidity that goes on in the world so that we don't end up middle-aged burnouts. In all seriousness:

I Just got an automated e-mail form the CDC recommending that all EMS professionals (that include some of you ) take the time to reread (as if you ever did) the EMS suggested guidelines for dealing with a pandemic:

It's called a joke, Vent. obviously this nut is not to be taken seriously, as was indicated by my numerous attempts at sarcasm. Some of us in EMS use this device we call humor to deal with the stupidity that goes on in the world so that we don't end up middle-aged burnouts. In all seriousness:

I Just got an automated e-mail form the CDC recommending that all EMS professionals (that include some of you ) take the time to reread (as if you ever did) the EMS suggested guidelines for dealing with a pandemic:


Yes I know it was a joke as are some of the articles in JEMS.
I Just got an automated e-mail form the CDC recommending that all EMS professionals (that include some of you ) take the time to reread (as if you ever did) the EMS suggested guidelines for dealing with a pandemic:

Ouch. Such a condescending statement.
Ouch. Such a condescending statement.

Only you would take sarcasm so personally. :rolleyes: Have you ever read that information before? I hadn't. Will be now. As far as the professional comment... words should only hurt if they are true!
So on a serious note.....what are your EMS companies doing?
Are they making you run over your pandemic protocols for good measure?
Making sure the ambulances are kitted out with extra masks, etc?
I did see one T.V. news article of an EMS crew over there, wearing their masks taking a patient in.

Here in NZ, all members of the Ambulance Service have had a Txt message on their personal cellphones re what the EMS here is
doing....emails have been sent to up date on the protocols, both to home computers and stations.
Even the Services training website have put in a online course to make sure everyone is one with the play....over kill??? They think not!

The Government Health team have NZ at code Yellow and have set up a separate place for all people entering New Zealand
(Near the International Airport) ,that are checked on entry and showing flu like systems to be detained until the test results come back from the labs.

So as we have confirmed Swine flu cases (Mild Cases, they are saying, though),
they are taking things very seriously to try and prevent it spreading anymore, throughout New Zealand.
For what all this extra work is costing the tax payer...they are not treating it lightly or as a joke.
P.S. The news we heard about the death in the States from Swine flu was, a child visiting family from Mexico (Poor kid).

Cheers Enjoynz
Sorry for the typo...still early AM here.
'systems' should be 'symptoms'

Only you would take sarcasm so personally. :rolleyes: Have you ever read that information before? I hadn't. Will be now. As far as the professional comment... words should only hurt if they are true!

I didn't take it personal, the "ouch" was sarcasm. I just find the irony in your comment amusing.
I didn't take it personal, the "ouch" was sarcasm. I just find the irony in your comment amusing.

Good. I would hate any misunderstanding to ruin our friendship, Sasha. :)


As far as your question, not much as far as I can tell. The county released a report today confirming that there are no cases reported in county (14 in CA) and that if any one experiences XXXXXX symptoms they are to seek medical help immediately. The state has a page set up on the EMSA website that lists many recommended protocols and procedures (http://www.emsa.ca.gov/about/Swine_Flu_Guidance.asp), but after talking to some of the Fire/Ambulance boys and gals, nothing special is in the works locally. California did run a test of the Disaster Healthcare Volunteer System this week (Oh, no, volunteers; ewww) and asked for everyone to update their information in anticipation for a possible deployment. SAR (my team) in my county is listed among the agencies to respond (MFR or higher) in the event of a county-wide health disaster, but I have yet to hear of any plans being formulated beyond the normal inadequate county disaster manual.
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I'm telling you it's PETA. They created the swine flu to scare people out of eating pork. Same thing with mad cow disease.

And before you start with the "well it got all those pigs killed" yadda yadda... no one ever said PETA made sense.

Well I wouldn't put it past them... They are trying to change the name of "Fish" to "Sea kitten" to make it less appealing to the palate... <_<