My health care system is a bit more widely available (and much, much cheaper) that that of the United States, so that definitely influences my opinion, which is as follows:
Emergency Room/Department = a room or department for EMERGENCIES. There should be no extremely large ERs with extremely proactive triaging. If you have an emergency, go to the emergency room. If you have a non-emergent something-or-other hypochondriac-minded illness, make an appointment with your friggin' general physician and if it happens to be worth the time and money invested in your care, (s)he will refer you to a specialist where it will be dealt with in a more appropriate manner. The hospital should NOT be responsible for transporting a "patient" with a hang over to a non-emergent facility. That only costs more money to the health care system. Exactly as it was said, "suck it up". Take a cab. Get a friend to drive you. Drive yourself. Hell, if you're so concerned about money just grab a pair of shoes and maybe even a bike --- but wait! The "patient" will go see the doctor about the sore muscles from a miniscule amount of exercise he/she has gotten.
And I can already tell I'm somewhat all over the place in my mini-rant. I didn't just wake up with a hang over.
Maybe I should go to the hospital for this hangover....
