Subject not EMS but affects each and everyone of us!


Lady Enjoynz
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It's a New Year and I've been doing alot of thinking of late...guess I just want to share my thoughts, even though this is not EMS related..........
I, as a person of this world at times feel like a little goldfish, swimming in a glass bowl, next to a large tank full of sharks, circling a oil rig!:blink:

What I'm guess I'm trying to say is, oil, power, greed and misunderstandings, are what our world seems to be running on at the moment.
I feel so much for all of our American friends, who have been for many years at war with whomever, because of these things. At the end of the day, it's the tax payers in your country, that foots the bill for everything and are paying the price, by loss of jobs and homes, as a result. Let alone what it is doing to the man on the street, that already has neither of these assets!

It affects us too...(just one small thing to note) now with Iran making threats to close off the oil link....our petrol(gas) has gone up 5cents a litre (15 cents a gallon)within a few days, even though nothing has happened yet!
I remember hearing stories about technology with water run engines...water being a totally renewable resource, would take away the hold the East has over the West.
So there we come back to greed....oil companies that pay out the inventors, so that it may never be.
If we can create the ipad...we sure as a people of progress, must have a few ideas how to get around this issue???

I guess it's just like the greed of the tobacco companies...they know their product kills...they even have to advertise such on their product. Yet it still is a huge industry all over the again the tax payer foots the bill for cancer treatments and funerals....because of greed and the knowledge they have their users addicted to their product.

Then I guess there is the way our weather has changed.
Just in our small country, we are having more earthquakes,tornado's, floods than ever before.
I for one, do not believe in this rubbish that the world is going to end soon...but if we all keep on upsetting mother nature, I'm not suprised she is fighting back!

Just wanted to share...I hope that CL's don't mind? As this is the only site I'm on, apart from facebook.
It's nice to be able to have a voice (even though it's only one) and get other peoples views, even if you do not agree with a word I'm saying.

Cheers All!
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Don't forget the people stuck in the middle: the people living in contested areas.

The more people there (we) are, the tighter we live together, the more we crowd onto floodplains and seashores and near hills and mountains caused by fault lines, the "worse" each natural (or human) disaster will be in human terms.
1. Talk to anyone in a desert area about how water is a renewable resource.

2. If a engine was truly able to run on water alone, it would have been done. Somehow I think the thermodynamics of water prevents a water run engine.

3. Iran and the Strait of Hormuz? Sorry, but if that happens there will be a bigger fight to determine exactly who gets to send the Iranian fleet to meet Davey Jones. Just about every developed or developing country will be wanting to send Iran back to the stone age and no one will help them rebuild.

4. Tobacco products? Fatty foods kill. Alcohol kills. Sky diving kills. Firearms kill. Sex kills. Unless you plan on making everyone live in a bubble their entire life I'd just as much let people have their vices. This, of course, not to mention that the cost for cancer and COPD treatments are more than offset by the cost of care not needed when smokers die sooner. Smokers save money when all monetary costs are totaled up.
Water engine: hydrogen. A scam.

Straits of Hormuz: the Russians, Chinese, Venezuelans, and probably the French would all protest and bring sanctions. (No more French fries?). Not to mention every Shiite mullah from here to Malaysia.
Not mention there's hardly a thing that can be done without involving the use of a product pulled out of the ground by some oil/gas company. It's not just in your car that it's used.

Ok if you think water is really never going to work (I sucked at chemistery, so I'm don't know all the elements involved.
I guess I was thinking more of the hydro side of water energy...yes I know that means heaps of water, but if it could be condenced under pressure or something?).

There is also the other elements that are being used to a smaller degree now, like solar.
Can we not do more with the sun and wind for that matter?
Also I've seen a doco on a car being driven across England on used cooking oil....We can grow more beans!!!!!
Goodness knows, with all the fried food the Western world is meant to consume...there must be a bucket load of used cooking oil

I know oil is used for a heck of a lot more, above running just,
if we could find another products or elements that the West can use, life might just change for the better, without the noose dangling over all our heads?
Ok if you think water is really never going to work (I sucked at chemistery, so I'm don't know all the elements involved.
I guess I was thinking more of the hydro side of water energy...yes I know that means heaps of water, but if it could be condenced under pressure or something?).

There is also the other elements that are being used to a smaller degree now, like solar.
Can we not do more with the sun and wind for that matter?
Also I've seen a doco on a car being driven across England on used cooking oil....We can grow more beans!!!!!
Goodness knows, with all the fried food the Western world is meant to consume...there must be a bucket load of used cooking oil

I know oil is used for a heck of a lot more, above running just,
if we could find another products or elements that the West can use, life might just change for the better, without the noose dangling over all our heads?

Diesel engines run just fine on waste veggie oil. Filter the oil and it's ready to be used. Of course this has created a market for the used restaraunt oil and is making that no longer a cheap alternative.

Using food as a fuel source is a bad idea and shifts problems over to food supplies. As shown in practice E85 (ethanol) doesnt save any money compared to gasoline but can strain corn supplies for food use. E85 delivers worse fuel economy and even though it is cheaper at the pump than gasoline winds up being a wash with similar costs per mile in the end. Not to mention that the 10-15% ethanol being blended into gasoline now is doing bad things to the fuel systems on older vehicles and small engines.
P.S. I thought I'd add this youtube clip, for those of you that are interested and have not heard of the used cooking oil running a car.
Mind you, the vehicle has to have a diesel engine!

Link as attached:
Put it all in perspective...

99% of the species that have roamed the earth are EXTINCT!

It's not about if, it's about when.

Meantime, I say follow this sage advice:

99% of the species that have roamed the earth are EXTINCT!

It's not about if, it's about when.

Meantime, I say follow this sage advice:


Not the sort of thing I'd want to pass onto my kids though.
There is too much dooms day talk of's not giving them a lot of hope of a safe and happy future.
We...the adults of today are making some pretty silly decisions...mind you...the adults in my childhood were making some silly decisions too.
I use to read a lot of MAD magazines when I was a kid....nice to have something that saw the whacky side of life!
And yes I do worry...not for me but for my kids!
Guess I must be the only person on the planet...that thinks that the warm and fuzzies still have a chance and we the adults of today, can turn this beast around! :)
Joy, your kids will have pressure on them much the same as we do and your parents did. From where you sit, NZ, doomsday is probably not one of them. Hell, being Nuclear warlike, this country has a way larger bullseye on its butt than nuclear free-zone NZ ever will!
We use petroleum to produce the nitrogen-rich fertilizer we use to grow the crops we feed to livestock and people, whose nitrogen-rich waste we have so much trouble getting rid of...

Once population reaches high densities and larger areas, movement of the food production moves farther away and to less arable areas. Population will increase at a geometric rate except in areas where Parkinson's Law meets the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to flatten the curve out by increased mortality. (Where birthrate declines, neighboring populations will move in, negating that).

I propose we have already crossed a tipping point, and we are already seeing the peripheral breakage in the most stressed places (Saharan Africa, eastern Mediterranean, SW Asia, some densely urbanized neighborhoods of Western and Asian countries) where quality of life and life itself are under near constant threat.

SO, how's things in your corner of the world? :)
From where you sit, NZ, doomsday is probably not one of them. Hell, being Nuclear warlike, this country has a way larger bullseye on its butt than nuclear free-zone NZ ever will!

Well, I guess little old New Zealand can be blamed for starting the whole nuclear idea...after all it was a New Zealander (Ernest Rutherford) that first split the atom!
Guess in someways we'd like to think that we washed our hands, as to what it has led too.
We got into a big debate with the French over their nuclear testing near us, in the early 1970's.
Then of course, America snubbed us for years, because we wouldn't let your nuclear ships in our waters.

Being part of the Allied force with other Western Countries, including yours...We are never going to be safe....not that we would have it any other way.
We are as much for Freedom as the next man (of course I'm only speaking as one of 4 million)!
I'll never forget what my brother said to me in the 70's..."If there is a nuclear war...the world will be spilt in two and no one will survive."
No matter where the bombs full...sooner or later the fullout will drift into our air stream.

The whole idea is for it never to get to that stage in the first place...which gets me back to the power, greed and misunderstanding...side of all of this debate.:)

I guess I also feel for those nations that haven't got a clue what the super powers are up to and haven't even heard of a T.V., let alone a nuclear warhead!
I wonder what they would say if they had a voice in all of this? the over pollulation of the world.....prehaps if more counties were introduced to birth control and better sex education, the issue may be helped somewhat?
I guess you have seen the changes over the years in the amount of people in Western countries having babies?
My grandmother had 10 kids, my mother 4, me 2....It's getting too expensive to have large families now and more women are out there working (or starting a family at a much older age).

We have the technology to make seawater suitable for drinking...we have pumps to pump it...why should the deserts not have room for crops to grow?
We have chopping away all the native forests, because of greed and the need for land to grow crops.
I'm not a greenie, although I have to admit, they do have a very valid point to everything that is happening around us.
It would be nice if we were all pulling together instead of sitting back and denying our children's children, a future.
Introducing population control to successful societies and religions that benefit from their numbers growing and outgrowing their neighbors, some of which have been successful for over a thousand years, is like telling the Native Americans how Europeans "discovered America". Like trying to dissuade African tribal farmers and hunters from slaughtering the last rhinos, or convincing poppy farmers in Afghanistan to grow carrots.
I believe we have already passed the point where the population density's effects are causing breakdown. It won't all fall at once, it will crumble and morph societies until the are forced back down to a level which natural resources can support.