Student Clinical Tracking Software

Does anyone know of any apps that can do this? I am the Clinical coordinator of a large Paramedic Program and we are currently exploring the options of issuing each student an iPad with the software, Clinical documents and all the PowerPoint lectures on it. This then will upload to the server to calculate all the data and allow us to track and submit for reaccreditation.
Not impressed with FISDAP. Used it before and I am looking for the next step. We want to issue each student an iPad and take it to clinicals. This way the app on the iPad will allow them to document the clinical and the preceptor can sign and check it off then send it via email over wifi to the server. then the app will tabulate on the PC.
Good luck with that. Please let us know if you find anything close to what you're looking for.
If we're waiting for the National Registry to change shouldn't we all still be using Jamshidi needles for IO access?

Do all systems have a drill?

Anyway, my point is that the plan seems a bit too technical. Seems like some a page or two of paper could take care of. Section of check boxes with various NREMT and random other skills, section of bars to list Pt age and c/c, maybe a section of qualities to be checked by the preceptor, and a comments section.
Does anyone know of any apps that can do this? I am the Clinical coordinator of a large Paramedic Program and we are currently exploring the options of issuing each student an iPad with the software, Clinical documents and all the PowerPoint lectures on it. This then will upload to the server to calculate all the data and allow us to track and submit for reaccreditation.

Why not approach FISDAP and see if they might be willing to make an app?
Perhaps they don't know the market is there.

I'm not sure there's a better program out there right now. FISDAP's site is relatively mobile-friendly, you just need a data connection for documentation.
VA uses FISDAP for the areas that use online tracking.

Uggggggggh, bad bad memories.
I say this every time...

I did medic school twice. Once entirely on paper, and once with much of the clinical info in FISDAP.

Is FISDAP perfect? No.
Is it better than paper? Hell yes. For both the students and the admin.
Our class used some generic online scheduling software and it turned out to be a nightmare because of the inflexibility of fields and the need to mix student edited and instructor edited content in the same field and incorrect undoing of entries, accidental duplication and deletion of entries.

For tracking signups, I would suggest you consider google-docs/drive spreadsheet. It is not as good as a well designed application specific, free, open-source, cross platform application but much better than many custom apps that are inflexible, won't run on all the necessary platforms, can't be modified, etc.

  • cross platform: linux/mac os x/windoze/freebsd/etc via web, smartphone/tablet apps (android, iphone,chrome OS)
  • Access via google-cl command line client and google API for custom scripts/programs and docs spreadsheet built in scripts.
  • can be automatically mirrored offline on smartphone
  • collaborative editing: instructor, preceptors, students
  • access control: control who can see and edit spreadsheet
  • access control: ability to lock specific columns (or ranges) so they can only be edited by authorized groups
  • ability to define your own columns.
  • complete version history - record of all edits
  • uses existing tools users are already using
  • same tools can be used for many other purposes
  • same logins may be used to access other class documents
  • can handle multiple classes using the same facilities
  • Data isn't trapped inside; easy to export.
  • general purpose sorting/filtering/reporting/charting/scripting tools
  • free of charge. For a class of 30, that apparently saves $1200 over FISDAP scheduler.
  • large documents can be a resource hog in docs word processor, maybe in spreadsheet too.
  • hidden information such as preceptor feedback needs to be in a separate google docs spreadsheet, paper, email, etc. Also consider google forms for feedback.
  • Depends on some honesty. No protection against malicious edits, other than recordkeeping. So someone could steal someone elses shift; on the other hand, you can have your friend change your shift for you and it is easier to swap shifts.
  • Does not automatically generate icalendar files for each individual student, location, and preceptor so it can be automatically imported into peoples calendars. There are some web articles describing one time conversion from a single spreadsheet to a single calendar.
  • This could be done using google-cl or google API and a custom program/script.

Example columns:
  • unique id*. ex. ATVFD_1024_PM. One function of this field is to be a frozen column so people can tell what shift they are looking at while scrolling through the other fields. If you freeze date, start, end, and department, then the frozen columns will take up too much space on small screens (such as phones). Also can be used as a unique ID for other purposes.
  • day of week* "FRI"
  • date* RFC-3339/ISO-8601 compliant, i.e. 2015-10-24 for compatability with icalendar, proper sorting, etc.
  • start time* 1900
  • end time* 2300
  • department* ER, fire station name, etc.
  • preceptors*
  • student name
  • actual hours
  • comments "Will be 1 hour late", "No show", "shift cancelled by preceptor" (do not want to just delete), etc.
* = lock these columns so they can only be edited by instructor or instuctor and preceptors.