

Forum Asst. Chief
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What kind of steth does everyone use? I have a Litman Light which cost around $70, but still find myself having trouble hearing sometimes......on the back of a rig in transit, or on the side of a busy road. Would any of you recommend upgrading to a cardiac Litman? They are so darn pricey!
I have a Cardiology 3 and a Light. I love the 3, it was a gift and it works very well. There are very few situations where I cannot get a BP and most of them have to do with pt condition...
One of my instructors told me that each step up through the Littmann line does give you better sound. I was having trouble with the cheap-*** stethoscopes available in my EMT-B class, and I know that in general I sometimes have some trouble distinguishing one sound out of many, so I went straight for the top. I got myself a Master Cardiology from Littmann. With that, I've never had any problems hearing what I was listening for.

I might have gone electronic, except they are not allowed on the state practicals (unless you have a documented hearing impairment). I actually got a special edition version of the Master Cardiology, the Black Edition, which as the name suggests is all black (the parts that are normally chrome are powder-coated black). I also got it engraved with my name; that way, when it eventually gets stolen, the thief will always be able to remember who he stole it from.

I bought it from here: They seemed to have decent prices.

This is the one I bought:


The blue one with the tube...

Oh. I'm sorry. I thought I had asked a legitimate question.
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I use a Littmann Stethoscope - Classic II S.E.. I paid around $60 for it.'

The truth is, everyone I know that has spent a lot of money on a stethocope has eventually lost it. I once left it on the hood of an ambulance, drove an hour home (at midnight), and realized I left it there. I was happy to see that someone put it in my mailbox when I went back.

Usually the more you spend the better product you get, and the easier it is to hear. If you're having problems with your current scope, a good one, I would first try practicing taking vitals.

I got the Classic II S.E because I've used it and heard good things about it. I don't think there is a need for much more at the BLS level. If I were working as a Paramedic I'd probably get a Littmann Soft Touch Cardiology.

I hope that helps.
I carry a Littman Classic II in the field (the all black one). I like it because it folds up nicely and fits in my cargo pocket perfectly. I also own a DRG Puretone Cardiology Ti-Lite, which is an incredible steth. Best sound I've ever heard. It's more of a clinical steth though, so I only use it at the hospital. With engines running and all the noise on scene, I wouldn't notice the difference between the two except that the Littman is already beat up (and it costs a third of what the DRG does) so I don't have to worry about it.

Also, I put a red cord of 2" tubular nylon around my steth so I don't lose it. The tube of the steth fits well right inside it and I always know where it is if I have to drop it while handling a pt.
MariaCatEMT said:
Oh. I'm sorry. I thought I had asked a legitimate question.

I answered it....

The blue one with the tube.

A navy blue littman classic II.

In fact... When I'm done w/ a shift, I throw everything on me or in my pockets in a drawer...

Alcohol pads... For my scope. You know the tool we use on pretty much EVERY call.. is the one we hardly ever clean...

Knife.. To cut things.. duh :P

Scissors... See above

Two tongue blades taped together... So I can use it to do things we're told not to do, but the ones who made that rule never had a tongue in the way of the trachea.

Badge... Gets pinned to my winter coat, because that's what I was told to do.

Stapping... I carry my own airway bag strap b/c some SOB keeps stealing it.

Penlight... The ones in the rig NEVER work

Pen.. Obvious... Something cool to steal from the ER. To add to my drug rep collection.

miniature tape roll... I get them from the IV start packs. One roll goes to five patients. I have a dozen left over at the end of the shift... and I keep them b/c... ya never know when you'll need it... and Transpore is the best.
