Stem Cell Technology


Forum Ride Along
It's absolutely amazing work!! If I was a rich person I'd support it heavily. A person I know has a 9 yr old son, and has been on the heart xplant list for 2 yrs now, and I'll be a bit more comfortable once he's bigger, b/c he's not a suitable candidate for many donor hearts at this time, due to a sizing conflict. He's got multiple aneurisms in his pulm arteries; can't run and play like normal, healthy little kids, gets winded just walking, is on antidysrhythmic drugs, and is just waiting for a new heart, so when I see anything like this type of research it's just thrilling to know it's being researched and I'm all for it. I have no ethical issues with it whatsoever, and been hearing more about stem cells derived from that patient's own tissues with the intent on reducing/eliminating tissue rejection w/ hopes to avoid the immunosuppressant therapies. Another person I know is in a hospital right now receiving chemotherapy then have their own stem cells reintroduced into their system to treat a condition called Scleroderma.