Starting EMT-B Class Need Help.

I am taking a EMT-B Course in California and i was told to familiarize myself with the protocols for C.A.B, F.B.A.O, and A.E.D in
(Adults, Children, Infants) before the class starts

C.A.B (Chest Compression)(Airway)(Breathing)
F.B.A.O (Foreign)(Body)(Airway)(Obstruction)
A.E.D (Automated)(External)(Defibrillator)

i was wondering if someone could just help me with the steps?
For Adults, Children, Infants

As Well as any help you can give me, when you took the course :lol:

Did you ask this question on Yahoo Answers? Question is the same word for word which is why I am wondering.

If your the same person, I already gave you the answer as shown below along with your question.

EMT Protocols; Adult, Children, Infants... HELP?
Need Protocols for;
C.A.B ( Chest Compressions, Airway, Breathing)
F.B.O ( Foreign, Body, Obstruction)
A.E.D ( Automated, External, Defibrillator )

*I can't find them online and if possible can I have them for adults children. And. Infants?
2 days ago Report Abuse

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Protocols vary by county. Why do you need them? If your an EMT you would have access to your County's Protocols.

However, per NREMT Standards:

C.A.B. is for CPR ONLY. It stands for Circulation, Airway, Breathing. If patient is in cardiac arrest, check pulse FIRST, then open airway (head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust), then perform rescue breaths. AHA guidelines are 30:2 currently. Next revision is due in 2014.

No such thing as FBO, its F.B.A.O. or Foreign Body Airway Obstruction. If patient experiences choking perform Heimlich Manueaver. If patient becomes unresponsive then lower to ground and perform CPR. Prior to rescue breaths, visually inspect the airway to see if compressions dislodged the object. If so AND you can see object perform a finger sweep. If not, perform rescue breaths (unlikely they will enter the lungs but still need to try) and continue CPR.

AED is used in any medically induced Cardiac Arrest. Attach the pads and follow the prompts. AED's are not used in a traumatic arrest such as a gun shot or vehicle accident.

Adults and Children are the same. Infants, if one person CPR is 30:2, two person becomes 15:2. Everything else is the same.

If your an EMT you need to seriously review your county protocols. If not then take a class. This is no substitute for proper education.
Im an EMT
2 days ago
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