4pm. No crew to relieve for night shift. They were still on their way back from the city, so we logged into the day truck.
5pm. To the hosp for a 7f with a septic hip going to the sick kids hosp.(160km/100mi). Uneventful transport.
7pm. We cleared the sick kids hosp and were immediatly told to respond and stage a couple of blocks away for an unconscious person at a bar. 25 min later we were cleared as it was handled by police. Now get me out of the city. Cleared for home, and we beat it. We need to get at least 100km/60mi away or risk getting sucked back into the vortex. Made it back at 9:15. Now for supper. Had our supper, watched TV and lights out asleep on the couch at midnite.
2:30am, ding dong, it's not Avon calling. Make our way to the caberet for an 21f unconscious on the sidewalk. She was loaded and depressed. She would wake up,answer some questions then go back to sleep. Trucked her off the the ER.
3:30am back at base.
3:45am, ding dong again. 3 blocks away for a 16f unconscious on the sidewalk. This one would not wake up. GCS 3. HR fast, 96, strong and reg. Resp equal, reg at 14, b/p 110/70, bgl 5.7. We were about to give her a NPA and IV when she woke up. Violently. Thrashing about, clawing at her neck saying she couldn't breathe and crying for her boyfriend. Took us a few minutes to calm her down, then we left for the hosp 4 min away. She answered some questions enroute then went GCS 3 as we rolled her in. We were going to put her in resus for a tube but then she decided to wake up again, violently as before. But now she is not my problem. (she stayed awake after that).
5am. Breakfast at Rotten Ronnies. (If you can call it that).
6am. Logged off and went home.
We got out of the city unscathed and we didn't even get puked on. A successful night in my mind.
Hope everyone had a happy St Paddys day.