St. Louis Missouri Opportunities, - Abbott, Gateway, Hospitals, etc.


Forum Deputy Chief
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Hi everyone!

I'm heading back to St. Louis and I have classes scheduled such that I have 4 day weekends this year and I'm looking to pick up some EMS work in St. Louis. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about the agencies in STL or hospitals that hire EMT-B's.

So far here is the information I've gotten:

Abbott: It seems like 9/10 EMTs who got their EMT-B in St. Louis and still work in St. louis at some point in time worked for them. They are a good company that will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Supervisors will stay out of your way if you don't start anything with them. It's very much a show up and do your job and what is asked of you gig, don't complain, and you will have a job again the next day. I have heard varied stories on the BLS rigs that your run times have a large part in determining your pay. While this woud explain why I see rigs sometimes running hot across a traffic jam at a light and turning them back off after the intersection, or a rig running hot into a nursing home, and the unloading a patient, I can't believe a company would base pay on run times. Also, you have to supply your own jump bag but the company will pay for replacing supplies used on a run?

Gateway: Not much about them but that they also do third service. Smaller company than abbott and not as well organized.

STL City EMS - Public for the city of st louis. You don't stop running for the 12 hours you are on shift. Averages for some crews at 14 calls in 12 hours is not uncommon. Overall average for the city is 12-15 calls in a 24 hour period. Public service. Currently not hiring.

Normandy Fire Protection District: Also takes EMT-B's but currently not hiring. The administration is a mess. Show up and do your job and don't question anyone above you and you'll have a job next week (EMT-B's ony work one 24 per week?).

Hospitals: BJC, I have personal connections with the ER attendings and Charge nurses as well as the ER department head at one of the hospitals, but they don't have any open positions. Both hospitals I have connections with told me that they'll let me know before posting it when they do have a spot, but that might not be until a few months from now. Cardinal Glennon isn't hiring EMT-Bs either (do they ever?)

Ohter county departments to my knowledge do not hire EMT-B's.

Any one have any other suggesstions beside testing at gateway and abbott or waiting for the city and hospitals to start hiring?

Also I'd prefer to stay in Missouri since I already have licenses in two state and would prefer not to have to keep track of a third...

Just saw a few new positons open up for EMT-B on BJC's network for Children's Hospital.

if ur still looking.
how close to STL are you looking. cause theres some places farther west that are usually hiring on a pretty regular basis.