Spring-loaded IV caths... WHY!?!?!

I'm always hitting that button on accident. I like to retract my needle while advancing but having the option to push the needle forward a bit into the cath if needed. I do enjoy the spring loaded caths for when a sharps is not near by I do not have to worry much about a accidental stick.
I hate them. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE them. A lot. Bunches and bunches. I don't know if it is because for the most part I have always use the same non-spring loaded IV needle or what, but I detest them. I have a horrible time handling them, let alone trying to tamponade the site off.

Explain this one to me. You aren't supposed to tamponade with the needle in the arm, but when you pull out the spring loaded one you risk flinging blood everywhere. It is loose loose.
I have never had a problem with blood splatter using them. They just take getting use to them.
What on earth is a spring loaded IV catheter?

We use the cannulae whereby when you withdraw the needle a plastic cover comes back over it until when fully withdrawn it locks into place and is no longer a sharps danger.

For the life of me I cannot remember what they are called, Protectix, ProtexPlus, oh something like that hell I don't know its 5am :D
ya im used to the non spring loaded saftey caths that lock out into a plastic housing.