Sorry, you can't wear that jacket, because it's not the brand of our athletic sponsor


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I just started a super part time job for one of the local colleges, and during the tour, they told me an interesting tidbit of information: Adidas is the corporate sponsor of the athletic team, so it is frowned upon to wear a jacket made by a different brand when working.

My exact response "no worries, if they want to give me an Adidas jacket to wear, I'm cool with that," to which the response was pretty much along the lines of "they don't provide uniforms, do you really think they will provide you with a jacket?"

So I'm curious: is this a common practice? I can understand mandating a uniform that is provided by the sponsor, but "frowning" on wearing clothing but isn't the sponsor's brand without providing a comparable type of clothing?
To my knowledge if an employer requires specifics of a uniform they must provide it. If it is a general request such as red shirt and kaki pants than you have you provide it as it is not brand specific. If they push it find the ugliest Adidas jacket you can!
To my knowledge if an employer requires specifics of a uniform they must provide it. If it is a general request such as red shirt and kaki pants than you have you provide it as it is not brand specific. If they push it find the ugliest Adidas jacket you can!
This is correct...
But yea... if they pushed it I'd go thrift shopping to find something hideous from the 70s.
Also, is this a 1099 gig? That brings some additional limitations on what they can make you wear.
I believe it's a W2....

we are considered part time temporary, and as such, the college doesn't provide us with anything. we have to provide our own gray shirts (either grey polo or gray T shirt, they don't care) and black pants; we don't even get issued uniform shirts to wear when we work :confused:

Although I did get an ID so I can get in the door.. most people who work football games don't even get that.

Overall, it's not a bad gig. it's just the little things that are a little strange, and the college appears to be penny wise and dollar foolish, at least with this department.