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Hi everyone.

My name is Ty, I used to be a Co-Op student with Algoma EMS. In the future I will be attending CTS to get my EMCA and become a paramedic.

I have also been the Standby Medic Assist for the fire department's Vehicle Rescue Team, using the knowledge and skills I gained from my placement. Along with doing tours, inspections, and school presentations either as Sparky or suiting up and packing up for the kids.
Sounds like you're off to a good start, welcome!!

P.S. Nothing you will encounter in EMS is as bad as being in the Sparky suit with a room full of third graders...
Sounds like you're off to a good start, welcome!!

P.S. Nothing you will encounter in EMS is as bad as being in the Sparky suit with a room full of third graders...


Haha, I will admit I was very nervous, because I knew my old man (Chief FPO) and the other firefighters would do little more than point and laugh if I got kicked in a sensitive area, but every kid from K-3 was very well behaved and gentle.
I think that is a really great idea for kids. My children love the fire departments, they are always begging me to take them to see the trucks even if we just drive by one. But the local FD's never have a mascot when they are doing events. They do however give out stickers and tattoos. Though I'm sure if they did use a mascot, my kids would be trying to get me to bring the giant dog home. :lol:
I think that is a really great idea for kids. My children love the fire departments, they are always begging me to take them to see the trucks even if we just drive by one. But the local FD's never have a mascot when they are doing events. They do however give out stickers and tattoos. Though I'm sure if they did use a mascot, my kids would be trying to get me to bring the giant dog home. :lol:

:lol: Our mascot rotates between 2 or 3 departments. I've never seen any child want to take the big dog home, but I did hear a kid ask his dad if he could bring home a dead squirrel he found behind the firehouse.
:lol: Our mascot rotates between 2 or 3 departments. I've never seen any child want to take the big dog home, but I did hear a kid ask his dad if he could bring home a dead squirrel he found behind the firehouse.

Wow. :lol: Did he ask you to fix the squirrel first? My four year old thinks she is going to be a fire fighter veterinarian. So the dog would have been the best of both worlds for her.
Wow. :lol: Did he ask you to fix the squirrel first? My four year old thinks she is going to be a fire fighter veterinarian. So the dog would have been the best of both worlds for her.

Nope, was quite content to bring it home in full rigor. :lol:
Nope, was quite content to bring it home in full rigor. :lol:

I had a friend who's kid wanted a fish. So she took him to the pet store. No, he didn't want one of those fish. He kept telling her to take him to the commissary and she kept telling him there weren't fish there. Well she had to go anyway so off they went. They walked down the frozen isle and passed the freezer of whole frozen fish. He picked one up and hugged it and said he wanted that fish. He named it and it had apparently been waiting for him to come back and bring him home. :lol: So she bought the fish and he'd carry it around for a few hours. She'd shove it back in the freezer and it'd start all over again. This went on for a week before the fish was unable to play another day. She says to this day, it's the strangest fascination she's ever had of any of her 3 boys. :lol:
When my son was about 3, he became really enamored with a bagel for about 10 days. It became stale and hard and went everywhere with him, even to bed. He named in "Bago" (bay-go). What finally ended the relationship was when he took Bago into the bathtub.
When my son was about 3, he became really enamored with a bagel for about 10 days. It became stale and hard and went everywhere with him, even to bed. He named in "Bago" (bay-go). What finally ended the relationship was when he took Bago into the bathtub.

When my son was about 3, he became really enamored with a bagel for about 10 days. It became stale and hard and went everywhere with him, even to bed. He named in "Bago" (bay-go). What finally ended the relationship was when he took Bago into the bathtub.

I wish I was entertained so easily nowadays.