I'm a new emt... The other night my unit was called on a car wreck. No one was seriously injured and we got out patient into the ambulance without any trouble, the pt's vitals were fine 130\80 and a strong pulse around 80 or 90, and the patient was talking to us and responding to out questions and the pupils were fine, and then we re-took vitals and found that the patient's bp had dropped to 70\50 and at that same time the monitor showed us that the patient's pulse had dropped to around 60 and the patient when unresponsive after a few seconds, but after a sternal rub the patient came back and everything went back to normal. We were all weirded out by this and didn't really know what happened. It seemed like the patient passed out for a second.
Does anyone know what could cause this?
Does anyone know what could cause this?