Something Doesn't Seem Right

Some great ideas people, I'm lying low right now, but somehow I completely forgot about being able to go the the MPD. That might be my best option if I have to act. I wanna get som hard documented evidance before I do anything.
Some great ideas people, I'm lying low right now, but somehow I completely forgot about being able to go the the MPD. That might be my best option if I have to act. I wanna get som hard documented evidance before I do anything.

If the people who are providing care actually document it, PCRs might be enough alone.
We just went through this at our volunteer station. None of this can be fixed without the Chief being on board, as it is his department and likely he and the rest of the crew have a long history together.

My department recently got a new Chief. He is top notch, as are all of the new officers. I will also add that they are all medics or EMT's and all but two of them are career fire fighters/medics as well.

We had the exact same scenario as you describe. The new Chief passed a rule that no one can sing onto a call until a licensed (FF1/2 or EMT-B) has signed onto the call. Period. Furthermore, all members who want to drive the rescue unit need to be at least FR's with an AVOC. Period.

This made a lot of folks angry, some quit... others just stopped coming to calls, but... a good number of the people (My self included....) looked at this as a training opportunity and enrolled in classes. I am currently starting my clinical ride time with a busy neighboring town who provides mutual aid to us.

We have dropped the number of calls we can handle, temporarily as an EMT needs to be available before we can take a call, but we have in one meeting increased the level of support our town gets even if it needs to come in the form of mutual aid until we get our numbers up.

So, bottom line... until your Chief is on board, I do not see how you would fix this without risking your department loosing their license. In my state your department is licensed to run at a certain level. We are a paramedic based Fire/EMS department. If someone had reported us to the state when we were in your situation the department would likely have lost our license to provide EMS services.

A tough road you are on.
Personally i would start with suggesting to your co-workers that they get the proper certs, try to work the suggestion upwards to the chief. if that doesn't work, search for work elsewhere.
The Greeks said it.

"Some games are better lost than won, and some are best never played".
Or as Kenny Rogers sang, "Know when to hold 'em" etc etc.

Get out. Then take names dates & times to local EMS agency
Great post mycrofft!

"Well....Kenny Rodgers said it would be a good idea to leave my FD."

If the people who are providing care actually document it, PCRs might be enough alone.

That's just it. They don't do MIRs. And if there is an EMT (again, read ME) on scene, they don't do anything wrong. They are more than willing to be runners and grab stuff I need.

I think it is a case of people who are trying to do good, but going about it in the wrong way. You know what I mean? Not intentioianally breaking the law.
Great post mycrofft!

"Well....Kenny Rodgers said it would be a good idea to leave my FD."

That's just it. They don't do MIRs. And if there is an EMT (again, read ME) on scene, they don't do anything wrong. They are more than willing to be runners and grab stuff I need.

I think it is a case of people who are trying to do good, but going about it in the wrong way. You know what I mean? Not intentioianally breaking the law.

First off, always listen to Kenny Rogers.

And yeah, I hear you. My department has a handful of similar types. I know they're sincere about it because they'll come in for all sorts of awful weather and put up with being bled and puked on and all that good stuff, but they're still not certified, and still incompetent.

Do you mean that no incident report gets filled out at all if they're the only ones on scene? If so, that's even worse... and something's really wrong if nobody higher up has noticed or cared.

I still think encouraging some of the more eager ones to take FR or EMT might be worth a shot. But yeah, always CYA first, so if you have options, I'd report and run away.