some of my thoughts...


Forum Crew Member
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One more Breath.

No, EMS is not like what TV shows you. The truth is we accept death as part of life and instead we grieve for the family left in the house to deal with what just happened. And every near death experience just makes us appreciate the next breath a little more cause we understand it's one more breath than someone else got.

Mike J.
very well said. ive noticed that anyone that hasnt done ems wil never truly understand what makes us do what we do and how we deal with things.
We don't really have NDE's (Near Death Experiences) in EMS.

We DO, however, have NBDE's; NearBy Death Experiences.
I watched my grandfather die on the morning of Black Friday this year, surrounded by all of his kids and grandkids. There was crying, singing, and after he finally passed we watched the Auburn/Alabama football game (apparently he called in a favor for Auburn). There was no more crying after he died, and no reason to; he lived a good life, and left a lot of good memories. It's not so bad when you're prepared for it, i'll have to wait to see how I handle seeing someone go when their family wasn't ready yet.