So my EMT Practical is this Saturday...


Forum Ride Along
I just recently passed my class during this Summer (an accelerated course). It was pretty fast paced, and some things I really feel like we glanced over but I ended up passing the class, though not with flying colors as I hoped. To be honest with you, I feel like alot of the test questions were kind of silly. Alot of them were answers that were "which one is more appropriate, though it could be argued either way" type of questions, without really asking you which was more appropriate. The written exam was a breeze thought, I ended up getting an 86 on it which I'm kind of okay with.

I'm just kind of nervous about how the practicals will play out as my class didn't do a whole lot of practicing the skills. I'm taking it to see where I'm at and see if I actually know my ****. Would it be okay for me to post myself running through the skills on you?


Post yourself running through the skills? How do you propose to do that? YouTube videos? o_O

Bottom line - the best thing to do if you want to reduce your nervousness is to get copies of the skill sheets and practice. And practice. And then practice some more. You should be able to go through the steps in your sleep, with particular attention to the critical steps.

And did I mention that you should practice?


Forum Troll
Post yourself running through the skills? How do you propose to do that? YouTube videos? o_O

Bottom line - the best thing to do if you want to reduce your nervousness is to get copies of the skill sheets and practice. And practice. And then practice some more. You should be able to go through the steps in your sleep, with particular attention to the critical steps.

And did I mention that you should practice?
This. I'm not sure if he said it but make sure to practice a lot


Forum Chiefess
When you test, verbalize EVERTHING. Don't assume they're watching you and that they see everything you're doing. For the trauma assessment, know what the major life threats are and how to treat them. Make sure you do everything in the right order.
Good luck. :)


Forum Ride Along
Yes, I was going to post some videos of me doing them from Youtube. It's a bit late for that now, ha-ha. I know that practicing is the most important thing and I've ran through different scenarios multiple times... the only issue is I'm the only person doing it. Solo-practice only helps so much in my opinion and from what I can tell things are different for each testing site. (King airway or Combi for BLS airway management stations)

Hell, one of my classmates even told me that during Cardiac Arrest Management/AED that she didn't even have to do compressions, she just said what she'd do... 30x2 5 sets set up bvm/supp o2, then they only made her apply the AED and shock and she was done. Like.. ????? Lol, that's not even how the skill sheet is really laid out. I guess it's different for every testing site, and besides testing sites are a tad different from real life scenarios.

Also things like fiddling with an oxygen tank haven't been available to me. I mean I know the steps and theory but actually doing them is different. Oh well, the test is tomorrow and the worst that can happen is I learn I'm not ready which is fine. Thanks for the responses!