Skills Verification - California


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Can any paramedic validate and sign a skills verification form so long as they are currently licensed? Specifically for re-certification...
It depends on where you live I suppose. In California, no, you cannot just be any paramedic, or EMT. You have to be associated with an organization, usually a CE granting one, and on their list as a skills verifier.
It depends on where you live I suppose. In California, no, you cannot just be any paramedic, or EMT. You have to be associated with an organization, usually a CE granting one, and on their list as a skills verifier.

Be sure, it's your certification

This is a confusing topic for many. It is best to go with an EMT program or an approved CE provider for skills verification. Having anyone (EMT, Paramedic, RN, MD) sign off may not be accepted by your certifying entity. I recommend contacting your EMT certifying entity and ask them who is approved by their office. Then go to one of those placed. It's the safest bet.