You are dispatched to shortness of breath. You find your patient on the toilet.The bathroom is only accessible by passing through a hallway that was about 36 inches wide, and had stacks of junk and knick-knacks along both walls, reducing the shipping channel down to about 20 inches. This still would have only been an annoyance, except that she weighed about 310 pounds, and was 5 foot 2. So, you have her walk the 10 feet to the stretcher.
She is pale, her lips are blue, and her jugular veins are prominent. He calves are red, inflamed, oozing fluid, and have large blisters on them. Her wrists and fingers are swollen. Her complaint is shortness of breath, which she says she has had for about 4 days. She has a history of high blood pressure and hypothyroidism. She has been taking norvasc, lasix, lopressor, and synthroid for several years, and claims compliance. She has no known drug allergies and no other history. She speaks in full sentences, and denies chest pain, vertigo, or nausea.
Her vitals are as follows: HR78, SaO2 60% on room air, BP 81/50, EtCO2 is 80 with a normal appearance to the waveform. Lung sounds are clear, but diminished bilaterally. She is in a sinus rhythm, and her 12 lead is unremarkable.
She is pale, her lips are blue, and her jugular veins are prominent. He calves are red, inflamed, oozing fluid, and have large blisters on them. Her wrists and fingers are swollen. Her complaint is shortness of breath, which she says she has had for about 4 days. She has a history of high blood pressure and hypothyroidism. She has been taking norvasc, lasix, lopressor, and synthroid for several years, and claims compliance. She has no known drug allergies and no other history. She speaks in full sentences, and denies chest pain, vertigo, or nausea.
Her vitals are as follows: HR78, SaO2 60% on room air, BP 81/50, EtCO2 is 80 with a normal appearance to the waveform. Lung sounds are clear, but diminished bilaterally. She is in a sinus rhythm, and her 12 lead is unremarkable.