Most all of them are really cut and dry to handle. Small leaks ---> chux, IV and transport. Once in a blue moon, you will get the diamond in the rough... and walk thru the doors with the pt on the bathroom floor... you can smell the blood and feces in the air ( almost parvo like ), and the floor and walls are covered in blood.... we are talking like waterballoon amounts of blood. The pt is pale and diaphoretic, semi-responsive and no one else is around to give any history, name, etc.
You do a rapid exam, notice where it is coming from... and scoop them up on the stretcher... head down, feet up. IV, O2 and MAST ( yup, the one call where they may have done a little good ) ----> granted, this was the early 90s. Would I use them today? Probably not, but it would make me wonder if they may help a bit.
Other than a blood Y of fluids going and keeping the systolic about 70-80... there is not much else one can do in the field.
Its just a poopy situation.