Sensitivity Class??

I do have a bad attitude about this sensitivity class. Perhaps its the way it was billed to me. "You have to go to this class about being nicer to people because someone complained you were mean, and now we have to make them feel all warm and fuzzy."

"Is my job on the line?"

"No, if you miss this one or get called in to work that dat, there will be another sometime you can go to."

And yes, I do hate my job. I am not working in EMS. I am the "girl at the front desk," "the receptionist," "registration." Whatever you want to call it, thats when I do. Is it an important job? Yep. Are you crapped on everyday because your not a "medical person" in the ER? Yep. Why do I go everyday? Waiting on my drug test from RM and an interview with the county so I can be working EMS.

Yep, I said a really mean and insensitive thing. I will probably say more mean and insensitive things. Does it mean I am not good at what I do? Nope. It means sometimes I say things that are mean and insensitive. I am very happy for everybody that can be all June Cleaver all the time, but thats not me. I am more......Rosanne mixed with Wilma.
I do not think anyone here is being June Cleaver or anything near it. What I/we are offering is our opinion on your actions in a specific case that you brought to us via this forum. I/We are commenting on your lack of judgement in this scenerio just as you would if one of us posted a similar incident on this forum. Judging us as thinking I/we are better than you in this case is a bit extreme. That being said, I am assuming you are applying to Rural Metro down there. I can assure you that in Corporate EMS a situation such as this will not be tolerated at all. This is from seeing it first hand through the actions and results of RM Colorado. Corporate EMS has to keep everyone happy due to contracts etc.

My whole post was simply to remind you of a few things that will help you remember you cannot just blurt things out, not to judge you.
Just some last comments... I thought u were working as an ED Tech(ie EMT in the ER) not a registration clerk. So really you should have called a nurse in my opinion and not even touched on the medical element of the ordeal.

Just from what I been hearing you say on this issue you think itz ok to show your apathy while on the job and say exactly what your thinking. That is not ok. As I said before, who are we to judge another person and their situation? Yes itz sometimes hard not to judge and Im not gonna front about that but letz keep the verdict to ourself and refrain from verbalizing our thoughts to the patient and/or family. COMPASSION is sometimes the best medicine of all and impacts more then any drug ever will.

Public preception of you matters. It is a fact as wll that no matter how good you do your job and for how long, you screw up one time and none of the good things you have done in the past will matter much. This families preception of you was not good. That by itself matters. Right, wrong or indifferent, it is significant.
