School related stress


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Anyone else get anxiety pretty bad before, or after exams anticipating to find out if you got into your program? How do you manage? What do you do to keep your mind off things?

Take care out there,
Coffee is hard to quit lol. Thanks for the read.
Coffee is hard to quit lol. Thanks for the read.

Yea it is... Have you ever had a pedicure? Oh man, pedis make me a new person..

I do a lot of stuff in my home with essential oils and aromatherapy.. People scoff, but theres nothing better than rubbing peppermint oil into my trapezius muscles after a bad day.
I've had really bad stress levels at certain points in grad school. It mostly manifests in not being able to sleep, which I've never had any problems with at any other point in my life.

I've tried a bunch of things, but I think the things that helped the most were:

  • Exercise
  • Relaxing before bed - putting the books away and just trying to get my mind completely off school
  • Staying up late if I'm feeling really stressed and think I'm going to have trouble sleeping; for me it's much better to just stay up and watch TV or surf the net than to lay in bed unable to sleep. That's exactly how I found this forum a few months back, lol.
  • Meditation in bed. I learned some very basic meditation techniques that I use in bed. It helps clear my mind and makes a big difference in being able to fall asleep.
go for a run or lift some weights. that always helps me, and its good for you.
I've had really bad stress levels at certain points in grad school. It mostly manifests in not being able to sleep, which I've never had any problems with at any other point in my life.

I've tried a bunch of things, but I think the things that helped the most were:

  • Exercise
  • Relaxing before bed - putting the books away and just trying to get my mind completely off school
  • Staying up late if I'm feeling really stressed and think I'm going to have trouble sleeping; for me it's much better to just stay up and watch TV or surf the net than to lay in bed unable to sleep. That's exactly how I found this forum a few months back, lol.
  • Meditation in bed. I learned some very basic meditation techniques that I use in bed. It helps clear my mind and makes a big difference in being able to fall asleep.

i started walking more in my day and taking the stairs when i can. Generally i have a hard time putting down medical books lol, but i am walking more and starting a pretty basic work out plan. A couple days ago i got rid of my vehicle,so no more drive threw dining :ph34r:
Test Anxiety

With test anxiety I keep my mind off the test until I take it. For example if you like to study make sure you study over a period of time instead of cramming a day before. Also do it late so you retain the information better.

Or do what I do, and cry myself to sleep every night hoping to pass. Jk GL!