Scene safety, what would you do?

Frankly, if she wasn't willing to run in there and drag the kids out without PPE, why should you be? Now, if someone with proper PPE refused, I could see the issue, but you guys were not equipped at all.
+1 on you doing the right thing. Even if with the various MacGyver solutions kicking around, I would never have a go at another healthcare professional for not wanting to put themselves at risk. I don't really identify with the emergency service thing that much, and I don't expect paramedics to put themselves in harms way like coppers and FF any more than I would expect a physio or an OT to.

Assuming I was deathly allergic, I wouldn't go near them with a space suit and a fire extinguisher full of Raid.

Realistically, I'm not allergic, we always have jackets in the car, as well as blankets, and I'm personally not that fussed by bee stings, so depending on the size of the swarm, I'd probably give running over and dragging them out with a blanket on my head a shot.

But there is nothing worse than a Monday morning quarterback, as I suppose you guys would say.
I'd grab the fire extinguisher and use that. I've been told that it'll kill the bees, never seen it for myself though.
With you guys being allergic, you did the right thing. Scene safety wasn't just the first day of EMT class, It has probably been mentioned just about every class day for the past 18 months. You 2 go in and the next crew to arrive has 4 patients to deal with, plus the bees.
Personally, I ain't allergic(I've been stung before). I at least have my Hi-viz jacket and rain gear on the bus. So does my partner. I'd throw it all on, both sets. We also have hard hats, heavy gloves, and goggles. We always have a dozen sheets and blankets in the back too. I could see myself wrapped up like a mummy trying to drag them out.
You just adapt to the situation, and do what needs doing. Sometimes that means waiting for additional resources.
Im not allergic so that would be a judgement call on my part whether or not to go in and try to scoop and swoop. If i was going to a bee sting case with 2 pedis, knowing me and my partner are allergic, i probably would have called for some additional resources enroute, you can always turn em around right? if you would have called at time of dispatch you could have cut the response from 15 min to 7 min for the fd. JMO sitting behind this computer at the station.